Looking for a Golf Cart or two

We are looking for Golf Carts for DuBois Center. We use them to move people and supplies around during Summer Camp and retreats.  When we need to transport a nurse to the rustic side of camp to check on a sick child, a golf cart is our best bet.  Time to shuttle snacks to the waterfront, a golf cart would be perfect.

We would prefer electric golf carts, but gas powered is fine too. They need to have at least 4 seats – 6 would be even better. If you know of any available for donation, or to purchase at a reasonable price, please let us know – dcinfo@duboiscenter.org.  If any would like to donate toward purchasing a golf cart, please contact the office

We’re Looking for a Few Good Horses

As we prepare for Summer Camp, we want to add a couple horses to our herd. We’re hoping someone out there knows of a horse or two that might be a good fit for camp that could be donated or purchased at a reasonable cost.

Here’s what we are looking for:

  • Reliable kid-safe trail horses – walk, trot and canter with good brakes.
  • Not too young and not too old – our preference is for horses between 5 and 15 years old.
  • Large and sturdy – at least 15 hands tall and well built. They will often be carrying children, but they also need to be able to carry large adults.
  • Healthy, easy keepers – our herd spends much of their time living naturally in our pastures and woods. No horses with special dietary or health needs.
  • Good temperament – they will be working with kids much of the time and need to be patient and easy-going.
  • No bad habits – no bucking, rearing or cribbing

If you know a horse that is available and might be a good camp horse, please contact Scott Kuether at sekuether21@gmail.com.

Honoring Sue Reeble

On Saturday, August 6, a Celebration of Life was held at DuBois Center for Sue (Larry) Reeble, who was a long-time volunteer with the horse program there. Sue and Larry spent much time sharing their love of the horses and DuBois Center, so it was the perfect place to honor her life and the time she donated to DuBois Center. In lieu of flowers, Sue requested that donations be given to DuBois Center by check to Illinois South Conference, 1312 Broadway, Highland, IL 62249 or online. Please note that the donation is in memory of Sue Reeble.

Volunteers like Sue and Larry Reeble have made DuBois Center a place to find the love of God through nature.

Do You Receive an Automatic IRA Distribution?

If you receive an automatic IRA distribution that you don’t need for living expenses, perhaps from an inherited IRA, please consider donating it to the DuBois 6.0 capital campaign this year.

We have already received close to $39,000 of the $225,290 needed to complete the 17 projects included in this campaign. The Oak Lodge air conditioning project is almost finished, and three other projects are just waiting on some materials and volunteers to finish them. The second round of projects needs to start soon, some of which includes work on the Deer Run shower house and lodge, moving the archery range and building a new bouldering wall. These projects will add tent camping capacity and programming activities to the 2022 summer camp season. Your donations will make a big difference in getting these done in the first quarter of the year.

If you would like to donate an IRA distribution to DuBois 6.0, please contact Matt Wagner with United Church Funds at matt.wagner@ucfunds.org for more information.

DuBois 6.0 Building Faith, Building Capacity, Building For The Next 60 Years

DuBois Center will turn 60 in 2022, marking the year we took ownership of the land. While the first 60 years have been great, she needs some maintenance and expansion to get her ready for the next 60.

This treasure is the heart of the Illinois South Conference, where thousands of campers have experienced God and creation over the past six decades. Some found their calling to ministry there. Others found summer after summer of fun and friendship. Think of the retreats, the worship, the secrets shared and the children’s laughter. So much life has occurred under the rustling leaves at DuBois Center. Now it’s time for us to prepare for the next 60 years, by improving what we have and getting ready for the future.

As of this edition, we have received $6,835 toward the total goal of $225,290. Keep checking this website to see how the thermometer fills up and send your donation to make the improvements possible. It’s our space to bring faith and appreciation of nature to ourselves and the next generations. Here is the information on all areas we will be updating so that you may share with your congregations and friends.

Simba and MangoDuBois Center Logo

Welcome Nevada and Sierra

Today we welcomed Nevada and Sierra to our herd.  They were donated to camp by friends of one of our regular horse volunteers.

Nevada is a 19-year-old dun mare.  She has a lovely tan coat with a dorsal stripe and black mane and tail.  Sierra is a 17-year-old paint mare.  They are both very friendly and were excited to explore their new surroundings.

We’re looking forward to having them find their place in our herd and learn the routine at camp.


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We’re Looking for a Few Good Horses

As we prepare for Summer Camp, we want to add two or three horses to our herd. We’re hoping someone out there knows of a horse or two that might be a good fit for camp that could be donated or purchased at a reasonable cost.

Here’s what we are looking for:

  • Reliable kid-safe trail horses – walk, trot and canter with good brakes.
  • Not too young and not too old – our preference is for horses between 5 and 15 years old.
  • Large and sturdy – at least 15 hands tall and well built. They will often be carrying children, but they also need to be able to carry large adults.
  • Healthy, easy keepers – our herd spends much of their time living naturally in our pastures and woods. No horses with special dietary or health needs.
  • Good temperament – they will be working with kids much of the time and need to be patient and easy-going.
  • No bad habits – no bucking, rearing or cribbing

If you know a horse that is available and might be a good camp horse, contact Scott Kuether at sekuether21@gmail.com.

The Season of Giving

Throughout the year, we give thanks for gifts that support ministry at DuBois Center. Some give in response to special request or projects, such as replacing mattresses, installing a new spillway, adding new docks. Some give in thanksgiving for gifts received. For example, a church or individual receives an unexpected gift and then shares some of that gift. Some designate memorials and even estate gifts. Some give annually. All of these are wonderful ways to support our ministry.  Another option is through budgeted monthly or quarterly gifts.

We would like to extend a SPECIAL THANKS to the following churches for their regular, ongoing support: St. Paul’s UCC – Freeburg, St. Paul UCC – Nashville, St. Peter UCC – Red Bud and Zion UCC – Marion.












Sink Holes & Donors

Late last fall, a “sink hole” was discovered in the Rustic Village and theories about its origin were flying. Old records were examined, and calls were made to past staff members to determine the cause. Early in 2020, volunteers from Grantfork UCC arrived with their mini excavator. They gently dug around the collapsed area and confirmed our worst suspicions. The 50-year-old septic system had caved in on itself.

Then came meetings, bids and state reviews. The work was scheduled to begin in mid-May, but heavy rains and a surprise backlog of projects for the contractor delayed the project. The work began in early July and was nearly completed. There are now new pipes from the Rustic Shower House to the new septic tank and then on to the new sand filter.

This is all good news, except that there was nothing in the budget for this surprise expense.  Fortunately, late in 2019, DuBois Center received two sizable gifts. The Legacy Gift from the members of St. Peter Evangelical UCC in Granite City upon the closing of their church and the subsequent sale of their facility totaled a donation of $12,000 to DuBois Center. The other gift of $10,000 was an anonymous gift from a UCC church member. Both were undesignated with the intention that they would be used to support the ministry of DuBois Center. The ISC Conference Council decided to set aside a portion of the funds for deferred maintenance and major projects at DuBois Center. Within the next month or two, the sink hole emerged. The timing of these gifts could not have been better!

A special thanks to the former members of the Granite City St. Peter Evangelical UCC and the anonymous donor for their critical support.

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Calling all Quilters!

For over a decade, the quilt drawing has been a significant piece of the annual DuBois Center Fall Festival. In recent years, we have been blessed to have two or more art quality quilts each year which together have raised $1500-$2400 annually. The quilts are donated by local church quilting groups and other friends of DuBois Center.

Specifications: new or like-new, queen-size – this size seems to be most popular, appealing to a wide audience, and made with love and prayers. Ideally, the quilts begin traveling to local churches in August, so a July completion date works well.

If you or your quilting group might be interested in donating a work-of-art quilt for the 2020 Fall Festival, please contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. We’d love to talk to you about the possibilities.