Save the Date! Father-Son Retreat 2019

Fathers, grandfathers and uncles – SAVE THE DATE for March 29 – 31, 2019! Plan now to bring your sons, grandsons, nephews or another significant young man in your life to DuBois Center for a weekend of quality guy time at our Father-Son Retreat!
Fish, hike, canoe and just hang out together. Make cool crafts, share in vespers and work on your archery skills. Hit the trails on horseback and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature (horseback riding available for an additional fee).
Lodging is in heated cottages and Hickory Lodge. All ages are welcome, though activities are geared for boys age 5 and older. Families participate together. Rev. RJ Morgan will be returning as our chaplain for the weekend.
Registration opens February 1. Watch for details for details coming soon! Questions? Contact us at or 618-787-2202.

Father-Son Retreat – April 13 – 15

Fathers, grandfathers and uncles – save the date and plan now to bring your sons, grandsons and nephews to DuBois Center for a weekend of quality guy time! Fish, hike, canoe and just hang out together. Make cool crafts, share in vespers and work on your archery skills. Horseback riding is available for an additional fee.

This is also a perfect opportunity for churches to extend their family or men’s ministries. Gather a group from your congregation and join us – engaging faith sessions led by Rev. RJ Morgan, our chaplain for the weekend, will be held throughout the event.

Lodging is in heated cottages and Hickory Lodge. Activities are planed from Friday evening through early Sunday afternoon, April 13 – 15. All ages are welcome, though activities are geared for boys ages 5 and older. Registration opens February 15. For more information and a paper registration form, click here.