Fuzzy Ponies!

A question we get asked a lot at DuBois Center is, “What do you do with the horses in the winter?” The answer varies depending on the severity of the weather. Horses possess many adaptations to help them stay comfortable in even the most extreme conditions.

For instance, you might notice that our herd is fuzzier in the winter. Their thicker coats help insulate them from the cold, as well as retaining oil that repels moisture. Internally, their metabolism heats the horses from the inside out. As long as a horse has an adequate supply of hay and grain (which we provide) to fuel this “furnace,” it will not suffer from lower temperatures. Short bouts of physical exertion, such as bucking and running as well as shivering, also help to heat up muscles and stabilize internal temperatures.

During extreme conditions, like during the recent polar vortex, our horses come into the barn daily for an extra feeding. The barn is adapted as a wind shelter and left open on one end, allowing the horses to meander in and out at their leisure. In addition, there is a heated waterer outside the barn, providing the horses (and barn cats) with constant access to fresh water.

So, when the temperatures drop and wind speeds pick up, have no fear – a combination of horse anatomy and proactive care ensure the health of our herd.

Group Rides at DuBois Center

Is your youth group, family ministries program, scout troop or neighborhood playgroup wild about horses? Did you know that groups of six or more can schedule horseback rides at DuBois Center on weekends and mid-week school holidays?

Trail rides, with an orientation in the arena, last for one hour; the cost is $22 per person for day groups. Our Equestrian Team can also provide educational sessions related to badges for all ages and levels of scouts, or “Horse Sense” sessions for non-scouting groups.

For more information contact the DuBois Center office at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Horse Camps – Ready to Ride?

Horse campers spend more time with the ponies, but still have time for other camp favorites such as swimming, 9-Square and crafts. If the weather cooperates, they have the option to ride each day! Some mornings, campers are up and at ’em long before chow time to feed and groom the horses before breakfast and an early morning ride. Some evenings, untacking, feeding and barn chores come before evening games.
Younger campers can hop aboard the Pony Express for an introduction to horse camp. Older ones can choose from a variety of sessions. Ready to register online? Click here. For more information, pick up a camp brochure in your church office or check out the brochure online. Or contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.orgor 618-787-2202 to have one sent to you.

Horse Camps – Summer 2018:

     July 22-25  (completed grades 4-6)
   June 10-15July 8-13, or  July 15-20 (completed grades 5-7)
   June 24-29, or  July 15-20 (completed grades 7-9)
     June 17-22 (completed grades 8-12)