Are You Ready for a Full Week of Camp?

If your child will complete grades 3-5 this spring or summer, then it may be time to step up to Settler camp – which includes a full week of fun!
New friends and lots of fun are just the beginning. Campers run, play, sing, eat, jump, act, create, splash, pray, hike, explore, build, ride and finally… sleep! Growing and playing together, exploring God’s creation, building a Christian community – that’s Settler camp at DuBois Center.
There are three dates from which to choose: June 9-14, June 23-28 and July 7-12. Sessions are filling quickly – so don’t delay. Pick up a camp brochure at your UCC church or download one here. To receive a brochure by mail, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202. If you are ready to register, click here.

Peace Works – This Year’s Camp Theme

Merriam-Webster defines peace this way: “a state of tranquility or quiet: as a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom keeping the peace.” In the Bible, the word takes on a different tone. The Hebrew word for peace – shalom – relates to concepts of totality or completeness, success, fulfillment, wholeness, harmony, security and well-being. Every culture has its own ways of describing peace and the work it requires.

Throughout camp sessions this summer, Bible verses will be paired with words and stories from around the world to explore how “Peace Works” and how each of us can live more peace-filled lives. For more information view our brochure online.

Camps for Older Children: Completed Grades 3 – 6

Classic or specialty camp, three days or five days – there is a wide variety of sessions from which to choose for this age group. Whether a first-timer or experienced camper, new adventures await.

The cozy cottages on the Main Camp side of the lake are “home” for many campers in this age group, but those attending our Horsin’ Around, Rustic 101 and Splash! sessions venture across the lake and live in the Rustic Village. The week of July 22-25 there are shorter sessions for those who would like “a taste” of horse camp or rustic camping.

Additional sessions for those completing grades 5-8 can be found in the camp brochure. For more information, pick up a brochure in your church office, click here for the online version or contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202. Ready to register? Click here.

Older child camps 2

Session &
Grades Completed           Dates   
Settler (3-5)                       6/10-15, 6/24-29, 7/15-20
Pony Express (4-6)           7/22-25
Mad Science (4-7)            7/8-13
Move It! Move It! (4-7)      7/8-13
Rustic 101 (4-6)                7/22-25
Horsin’ Around (5-7)         6/10-15, 7/8-13, 7/15-20
Splash! (5-7)                     7/22-25

Summer Camp: Faith, Friends and Fun

Studies show that opportunities for kids to just be kids are critical to their development as healthy and well-rounded children and youth.  Active, unplugged, joyful, connected and adventuresome are all words that describe the DuBois experience. It’s good old-fashioned fun, yet a modern classic. All this as well as an opportunity to experience God and each other in new ways, make new friends and have loads of fun.
It’s not too late to make a session of summer camp at DuBois Center a priority! Click here to view our online brochure, and here to register today!

Summer Brochures are Coming!

It’s that time of year again – DuBois Center’s summer camp brochures are HOT off the presses and will be finding their way to your mailboxes and churches soon! Inside the brochure, you’ll find details on camp weeks, dates, this year’s theme and much more.

If you don’t receive a brochure and would like one, please contact the office at 618-787-2202 or to be added to the mailing list, or check out the digital version on our website.