Getting to Know You!

We are excited to provide two “Meet and Greet” opportunities so you all can meet Noah McCarn, the new Executive Director of DuBois Center (photo right) in person. The first opportunity will be Sunday, March 5 from 3 pm to 5 pm at St. Jacob United Church of Christ in St. Jacob. It is always good to have a face with a name. Here’s your chance to do that with Noah.

The second “Meet and Greet” for Noah McCarn happens on Sunday, April 23 from 3 pm to 5 pm at DuBois Center. It will be more spring-like weather for this opportunity. You may meet Noah and Rylee Bernhardt, Program Director, (photo right) for DuBois Center AND tour the facility. There have been so many improvements to the space through your generosity in donations to DuBois 6.0. This is your chance to see the space and its caretakers. We hope to see you at one of the events.

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