Participate in Green DuBois Next Saturday

Join the team and make a difference this Saturday, February 16, when we will remove invasive species, such as Japanese honeysuckle. Invasives are insidious – “choking out” native plants and affecting tree reproduction essential for healthy forests, so we need to remove them to ensure the health of our grounds and native species!
This is a great opportunity to move those muscles and meet and work with others who care about the environment. We’ll work to rescue wildlife habitat, support native plant populations and help ensure the future of DuBois Center’s wonderful woodlands.
No special skills are needed. Dress for the weather – layers recommended – and bring lopping shears if you have them. The minimum age to participate is 16, unless accompanied by a parent. Lunch will be provided. For more information, or to sign up, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202. Please RSVP by MONDAY, FEB 11.

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