Our summer staff team has been hired. Chaplains are busy working on the curriculum for their sessions. Parents are making plans and campers are getting excited. What’s left?! Each week of the summer, 4-6 volunteers work hand in hand with paid staff members to provide our fun and faith-filled program. We hope you will consider a week (or even a few days) of service at DuBois Center.
Wanted: engaging and caring volunteers to serve as nurses, cabin counselors, activity specialists and barn helpers. Minimum age is 18 for most positions; young adults and older adults are welcome. Share your time and talent, make a difference, and gain a wonderful sense of satisfaction. Check out the photo above. Can you pick out the four volunteers?
For more information, go to the volunteer page of our web site or email or call 618-787-2202. If camp isn’t your thing, but you know someone who would be perfect, check out this form or send their contact information directly to Shirley.