Fall Festival Challenge

Yes, DuBois Center’s Fall Festival has been postponed until October 2021, but the spirit lives on for this major friend and fund-raising event. Norma Borgmann, who has been involved with DuBois Center for decades as a friend, camper, staff member, Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT) member and chair, and acting director, is challenging other friends of the Center with a $500 donation. In the note accompanying the gift she wrote, “As you know I usually bake a few snacks & provide some Silent Auction items – thus such a gift. Sure hope others will donate dollars to help balance the budget in this historic year of COVID-19.”

This would have been the 44th year for some version of this event, which began modestly in 1977 and grew from there. Nancy Wagner, current OMT Chair, suggests that supporters consider donating $1, $2, $3 or more each year of Fall Festival.

$1 per year = a Yellow Leaf giver at $44
$2 per year = a Red Leaf giver at $88
$3 per year = an Orange Leaf giver at $132
Anything above this amount would be at the Gold Leaf level.

If you are a “regular,” it might be fun to consider what you would have spent at our Fall Festival 2020 – either as a participant or as a volunteer or a provider of goods to be sold. Participants eat, shop, ride, relax, bid, and enjoy the fellowship of friends and family. Supporters also enjoy fellowship as they bake, promote, stitch, recruit, decorate, set up, take down, drive, lead, greet, direct, park, deliver, clean, serve and dedicate hours and hours to make it all happen.

You may donate online or send a check to DuBois Center; 2651 Quarry Road; DuBois, IL 62831. Thank you for keeping the ministry of DuBois Center in your thoughts and prayers.


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