Father & Son Retreat – CANCELLED

We have been hoping and crossing our fingers, but with the number of COVID-19 cases in southern Illinois continuing to grow, it is time to cancel our annual Father-Son Retreat scheduled for April 24-26. Our staff and volunteers look forward to this weekend all year round! We are truly going to miss hanging out with everyone!

If you need help staying busy, contact Shirley at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202 for information about father-son projects that can be done at home to support DuBois Center and maybe even help us prepare for F-S 2021.

To donate, transfer or receive a refund for fees paid for this event, contact Julie our camp registrar at register@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-357-1809. See you in 2021!


SUMMER CAMP: Faith – Friends – Fun

Current studies show that exposure to quality outdoor environments can have significant health benefits. Even more studies show that opportunities for kids to just be kids are critical to their development. Active, unplugged, joyful, connected and adventuresome are all words that describe the DuBois experience. It’s good old-fashioned fun and a modern classic. All this as well as an opportunity to experience God in new ways, make new friends and have loads of fun.

To find out more about summer camp at DuBois Center, check out the camp brochure online. To have a brochure sent by mail, contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Summer Camp Early Bird Deadline – EXTENDED: Wednesday, May 6

In light of current circumstances, the Early Bird discount deadline has been extended to May 6. However, be aware that some sessions will be FULL by that time. Horsin’ Around, June 7-12, is nearly full and the Just You & Me and other half-week sessions are getting close. For your first choice of sessions, register soon!

A Note from DuBois Center

Dear Friends,

As many of you already know, we have curtailed operations through Monday, April 13 in support of state declarations related to COVID-19 and our sincere desire to be part of the solution. At this time, events in March and early April have been canceled. The need to cancel future events is being monitored and updated weekly by the Executive Committee of the ISC Conference Council. As we all are becoming increasing aware, we do not know what tomorrow might bring. We are hoping and planning for a full season of summer camp. Registration is open and some sessions are nearly full. (Please see related articles on cancellations.) Summer staff can’t wait to be back outdoors with campers – laughing, singing playing and praying together. Volunteers are being recruited and planning is in full swing. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Shirley at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. Thank you for your understanding and support. Our staff and volunteers are keeping you, your families and your churches in our thoughts and prayers.

God’s peace be with you!

Shirley Asmussen and DuBois Center Staff & Volunteers

SUMMER JOBS: DuBois Center Equestrian Program

Looking for a rewarding summer job working with children and horses? How about hands-on experience managing a trail ride program? Spending time with the horses is a highlight for many of our campers and great barn staff make all the difference! In addition to caring for our 20-horse herd, staff utilizes basic riding instruction and time “getting to know the ponies” to help campers build self-confidence and learn to respect and care for God’s amazing creation.

We are hiring a Barn Coordinator and one or two Barn Assistant / Counselors. The salaries range from $280 – $360 per week, depending on the position, and the skills and experience of the applicant. In addition, meals and lodging are provided. These are great jobs for individuals considering a career related to education, equine, recreation or social services. For more information, check out the attached flyer or contact Shirley at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Vacation Request Due?

Consider a week (or even a few days) at DuBois Center and join our 2020 Summer Camp team! WANTED: fun, engaging and caring volunteers to serve as nurses, chaplains, photographers, cabin counselors, time-off counselors, activity specialists and barn helpers. Minimum age is 18 for most positions; young adults and older adults are welcome. Give of your time and talent, make a difference and gain a wonderful sense of satisfaction!

For more information, check out the volunteer page of our web site or contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Calling all Quilters!

For over a decade, the quilt drawing has been a significant piece of the annual DuBois Center Fall Festival. In recent years, we have been blessed to have two or more art quality quilts each year which together have raised $1500-$2400 annually. The quilts are donated by local church quilting groups and other friends of DuBois Center.

Specifications: new or like-new, queen-size – this size seems to be most popular, appealing to a wide audience, and made with love and prayers. Ideally, the quilts begin traveling to local churches in August, so a July completion date works well.

If you or your quilting group might be interested in donating a work-of-art quilt for the 2020 Fall Festival, please contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. We’d love to talk to you about the possibilities.

HOME FOR SPRING BREAK? Apply Now for Summer Jobs at DuBois Center!

Is this the year for more than just another summer job? DuBois Center is searching for fun-loving and child-focused individuals with hearts for ministry to serve on our summer staff. Amazing memories + resume building skills = a summer to remember. Check out the Summer of Service flyer and this one for barn positions. Consider whether serving outdoors with a dynamic team might be just the opportunity for you.

Open positions include cabin counselors, barn staff and coordinators. Lifeguard certification is a plus. Questions? Contact Shirley at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org. Application packets are available online.

EVENT CANCELLATIONS: Star Party, Wrangle & Ride, Lenten Work Day

The Star Party on March 20, and Wrangle & Ride and the Lenten Work Day both scheduled for Saturday, April 4 have been cancelled. Please contact Julie, our camp registrar, regarding refunds for Wrangle & Ride at register@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-357-1809.

This decision was not made lightly. Leadership of the Illinois South Conference agrees that stopping the spread of Covid-19 is a priority! We have great concern for our communities and especially for those with age or health considerations. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


Flower 1

The Star Party, Wrangle & Ride and the Lenten Work Day have been canceled. 


The Star Party on March 20, and Wrangle & Ride and the Lenten Work Day both scheduled for Saturday, April 4 have been cancelled. Please contact Julie, our camp registrar, regarding refunds for Wrangle & Ride at register@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-357-1809.

This decision was not made lightly. Leadership of the Illinois South Conference and DuBois Center agree that stopping the spread of COVID-19 is a priority. We have great concern for our communities and especially for those with age or health considerations.

This decision was made from a sense that we are called to be faithful in this time. By staying home, we can help stop the spread of the virus. This is an expression of loving our neighbors, as well as our own families and friends.