Looking for a unique gift for someone special in your life? Not sure you want to shop in a crowded mall or store this year? Consider giving a gift certificate for a future DuBois Center experience.
About 13 years ago, Don and I began the tradition of giving an annual DuBois Center camp experience to each of our grandchildren. We love the opportunity to give them the chance to unplug, connect with nature, make new friends, learn new skills, and grow in their faith. The excitement in their eyes as they make their personal camp choice, their anticipation of going to camp, and hearing their enthusiasm about their camp experience is priceless!
Pastor Don & Nancy Wagner
DuBois Center Gift Certificates are available in any amount. Adding an item from the camp store, such as a hat, plush toy, or water bottle, along with your special personal message, would make an attractive package which can be available for pick up or mailed to the address of your choice. For more information and details, please call: (618) 787-2202 or visit our website.
The Outdoor Ministry Team is busy putting plans in place to offer safe in-person camping experiences in 2021. Hope to see YOU there!