Join Region 2 for a night of winter blues-busting fun on Saturday, Feb 24. Support DuBois Center and a local food pantry! Challenge the fellowship groups within your church and your community. This year Bunco Night is being paired with an effort to “Fill a Food Pantry.” A lively game of dice, cool Silent Auction treasures, a 50-50 drawing and help for those in need. By February, the major “food” holidays will be distant memories and pantry shelves will need restocking. Make a difference and have a lot of fun – all at the same time! Help spread the word; invite everyone you know! Check out this flier for details.
The Challenge:
1. Bring a can or box of nutritious food to donate to a local food pantry. For each item you donate, you will receive one ticket for a special drawing – the more items that are donated, the more chances you have to win. The prize will be a fun basket of items appropriate for a variety of ages.
2. Recruit Bunco players from your local church or community group. The church/group with the most individuals who pay and play Bunco at this event will have the honor of selecting the food pantry to receive the night’s collection.