Hoyleton Days at DuBois

Earlier this month, we shared the joys of working with young people and staff from the Hoyleton Youth & Family Services at DuBois Center. We led activities with small intact cottage groups from the residential program in Hoyleton and were able to provide a great outdoor escape for them. Fishing, riding on a pontoon boat, playing games, swimming, enjoying a hayride, and hanging out with the horses were all part of the fun. We worked with Hoyleton leadership and the Washington County Health Department to develop a plan for the safe implementation of the program.

Due to privacy and permission requirements, only a few photos are available to share. ENJOY!
Hoyleton2 Hoyleton3

Farmers & Merchants Bank

A special thanks to our local bank for a gift and the recognition of the importance of DuBois Center’s ministry. Even though most DuBois Center funds are housed with ISC funds in FCB Banks, we do keep a small account with this community institution. It’s used for cash received at camp, stocking our cash boxes for Fall Festival and Schnuck’s script payments. One of the biggest benefits, though, is having a friendly, local bank where our international summer staff can easily cash their checks.

Karianne Schnitker from the bank wrote, “We are so very sorry this pandemic has affected business at DuBois Center. We know how hard your group works to give area youth the experience of a lifetime through your summer camp program. It really is a shame these couldn’t continue like normal. Please accept our $2,000 donation to help defray some of the lost revenue. We knew your organization would put this money to good use.” The bank received a grant from Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago due to the COVID-19 situation. This grant enabled them to distribute funds to a variety of groups that are enduring hardships.

THANKS Farmers & Merchants Bank for being such a good neighbor!

Sixty Seconds of Solitude

Today’s edition of 60 Seconds of Solitude features amazing skies and reflections at DuBois Center. The video is a series of photographs taken by Aaron Fuchs and other camp friends. Summer is drawing to a close; teachers and students are heading back to their classrooms – wherever they might be. It seems an appropriate time to reflect on the vastness of God’s love, and to consider how we might reflect that love back to others. These are anxious times, but God is with walking with us. Try to sit back, relax your shoulders and breathe deeply. If you need a focus point for your quiet time, try Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Remember to look to the skies and all of God’s creation for guidance and inspiration.

Additional solitude postings can be found on our website and Facebook page.

A Gift to the Community; a Gift to Camp

CocoaSince 2017, Zion UCC in Addieville has been extending a hand of welcome and encouraging young people to make new friends, grow in their faith, and experience the joy of DuBois Center. Each spring, the church sends an “Every Door Direct” mailing to their community through the postal service inviting families to give their kids the gift of camp. The church pays for all but a small portion of the camp fee for everyone who applies.

Over the years, this has been a great way to support DuBois Center with new campers and good PR, while spreading the word about Zion’s family-friendly ministry. This year, with no summer camp, there were no campers to support. Instead, church leaders decided to allocate the $5000 that would have typically paid for summer camp fees to support DuBois Center directly. Their gift will help to ensure the Center’s viability during these challenging times.

A SPECIAL THANKS to Zion UCC in Addieville!

No major Storm Damage

Today we were able to check out the damage around camp. We had heavy winds for 20-30 minutes, but miraculously, there appears to be no major damage to any buildings or facilities… at least not that we have found so far.

The bees are buzzing and their hives appear untouched. The horses were in the Deer Run pasture which suffered less damage and also appear to be fine. We’ll check on them again tomorrow.

We did, however, lose a number of trees, and the ground and roads are littered with branches of all sizes. There is some delicate work needed. There is a tree gently leaning onto the roof of Coveside cottage. The chapel in Main Camp has much less shade now, but the benches are mostly intact. Some work will be needed when the remains of a large tree are removed.

Thanks for keeping DuBois Center in your thoughts and prayers.

Coveside 1










Chapel - CR

Sink Holes & Donors

Late last fall, a “sink hole” was discovered in the Rustic Village and theories about its origin were flying. Old records were examined, and calls were made to past staff members to determine the cause. Early in 2020, volunteers from Grantfork UCC arrived with their mini excavator. They gently dug around the collapsed area and confirmed our worst suspicions. The 50-year-old septic system had caved in on itself.

Then came meetings, bids and state reviews. The work was scheduled to begin in mid-May, but heavy rains and a surprise backlog of projects for the contractor delayed the project. The work began in early July and was nearly completed. There are now new pipes from the Rustic Shower House to the new septic tank and then on to the new sand filter.

This is all good news, except that there was nothing in the budget for this surprise expense.  Fortunately, late in 2019, DuBois Center received two sizable gifts. The Legacy Gift from the members of St. Peter Evangelical UCC in Granite City upon the closing of their church and the subsequent sale of their facility totaled a donation of $12,000 to DuBois Center. The other gift of $10,000 was an anonymous gift from a UCC church member. Both were undesignated with the intention that they would be used to support the ministry of DuBois Center. The ISC Conference Council decided to set aside a portion of the funds for deferred maintenance and major projects at DuBois Center. Within the next month or two, the sink hole emerged. The timing of these gifts could not have been better!

A special thanks to the former members of the Granite City St. Peter Evangelical UCC and the anonymous donor for their critical support.

Sink Hole 2Sink Hole 3

Sixty Seconds of Solitude

Today we share another edition of 60 Seconds of Solitude from DuBois Center. It’s often difficult to take time to breathe deeply, relax, and remember that God is always with us. We hope these short videos of scenes from around camp will provide the inspiration needed.

Today we are sitting in the Rustic Chapel – this summer, a site of fallow ground. If you really listen, you can almost hear the songs of joy, heart-felt prayers, and words of inspiration, challenge and forgiveness. The Rustic Chapel nestled lakeside among tall oak trees truly is a sacred space.


Fall Festival Postponed

Again, with a heavy heart, we announce that another major DuBois Center event is postponed. As you are hopefully aware, our priority is the health and safety of our campers, guests and staff. As COVID-19 cases rise steadily throughout Washington county, our region, and across the nation, it is clear that to proceed with this event would not be the cautious or sensible approach. As we examined the amount of nearly constant disinfecting, crowd control and monitoring that would be required, it became clear that to proceed was just not feasible.

THANKS to everyone who has already invested time and energy in this event. We are looking forward to celebrating together again in 2021.

The first Fall Open House was held in 1977; that was the beginning of our annual Fall Festival. This would have been year #43 for this important friend- and fund-raising event.

A Salute to Week #6 and all our 2019 Staff and Volunteers

We are celebrating DuBois Center 2019 campers and leaders from Week #6, as well as our staff and volunteers from throughout the summer!

We MISS EVERYONE who would have made DuBois Center come to life this summer. We have a bunk or apron or lifeguard tube reserved for you and hope you’ll make plans now to meet back at DBC next summer! A big thumbs up to our Girl Power and Pony Express campers, and all the amazing staff and volunteers who make camp possible!

If you haven’t already done so, like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to see more photos and stay connected.

Girl Power!Pony Express

Sixty Seconds of Solitude

Today’s edition of 60 Seconds of Solitude from DuBois Center features the bigger lake in main camp. This video was taken from the dock at Oak Lodge. Water is one of the basic elements of God’s creation and is essential for life. Lakes, oceans, creeks – for many they have a calming effect.

We encourage you to take sixty seconds to relax your shoulders, breathe deeply, gaze upon the waters and remember that the God who created renewing waters is with us always. Watch for weekly solitude postings on our website and Facebook page.