
DuBois Center is home to an astonishing variety of native Illinois plants – including many beautiful wildflowers. These blooms play key roles in their ecosystems. Pollen and nectar feed butterflies, bees and other pollinators, which in turn feed birds and other critters up the food chain. Without the flowers to feed the bugs, the bugs to spread the pollen, or the predators to keep bug populations in check, the entire system falls apart. This delicate dance plays out all over camp, often right on the edges of our other activities!


Giving Thanks!

Reasons to give thanks are plentiful at DuBois Center. God’s creation is majestic – the plants, the critters, the people. Enjoy these gifts from photographer Marty Kemper, one of our earth care volunteers. Delight in the dragonfly, the cardinal flower, purple sneezeweed (not purple at all), the wild hyssop – and in the words of Don Moen, “Give thanks with a grateful heart; give thanks to the Holy One.”