SUMMER CAMP: Faith – Friends – Fun

Current studies show that exposure to quality outdoor environments can have significant health benefits. Even more studies show that opportunities for kids to just be kids are critical to their development. Active, unplugged, joyful, connected and adventuresome are all words that describe the DuBois experience. It’s good old-fashioned fun and a modern classic. All this as well as an opportunity to experience God in new ways, make new friends and have loads of fun.

To find out more about summer camp at DuBois Center, check out the camp brochure online. To have a brochure sent by mail, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

Summer Camp Early Bird Deadline – EXTENDED: Wednesday, May 6

In light of current circumstances, the Early Bird discount deadline has been extended to May 6. However, be aware that some sessions will be FULL by that time. Horsin’ Around, June 7-12, is nearly full and the Just You & Me and other half-week sessions are getting close. For your first choice of sessions, register soon!

Vacation Request Due?

Consider a week (or even a few days) at DuBois Center and join our 2020 Summer Camp team! WANTED: fun, engaging and caring volunteers to serve as nurses, chaplains, photographers, cabin counselors, time-off counselors, activity specialists and barn helpers. Minimum age is 18 for most positions; young adults and older adults are welcome. Give of your time and talent, make a difference and gain a wonderful sense of satisfaction!

For more information, check out the volunteer page of our web site or contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

HOME FOR SPRING BREAK? Apply Now for Summer Jobs at DuBois Center!

Is this the year for more than just another summer job? DuBois Center is searching for fun-loving and child-focused individuals with hearts for ministry to serve on our summer staff. Amazing memories + resume building skills = a summer to remember. Check out the Summer of Service flyer and this one for barn positions. Consider whether serving outdoors with a dynamic team might be just the opportunity for you.

Open positions include cabin counselors, barn staff and coordinators. Lifeguard certification is a plus. Questions? Contact Shirley at 618-787-2202 or Application packets are available online.

I Got Mine! Did you get yours?

Brochures, posters and other helpful promotional materials were mailed to ISC churches in January. Program booklets were mailed last week. If your church has not received theirs – first, check around for a white Priority Mail box or a manila envelope. No luck? Contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

Also, let us know if you would like to receive additional copies of any of the items in the January packet or more booklets. Looking for PDF copies? All the pieces in the Big Spring Mailing can be found in the About Us section of our website.

Celebrate Camp in March & April!

Included in our Big Spring Mailing to churches in January were flyers, schedules, and helpful hints and tools for promoting spring programs and summer camp at DuBois Center. Schedule a Camp Sunday. Roast s’mores or hot dogs for coffee hour one morning. Attend the Block Party – it’s FREE! Use bulletin inserts. Have a poster contest. Can’t find that Big Spring Mailing or need the documents in PDF format? Check out the Info for Churches page on our website for all the mailing pieces – there’s over a dozen of them – or click on the featured links below. You are ENCOURAGED to share the links in your bulletins, newsletters and on your website.

If you would like to receive another copy of the packet by mail, contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or


–       Top Ten Things…
–       Promote Your Camp
–       Camp Schedule
–       Bulletin Insert – Summer Camp & Service Saturday

–       Bulletin Insert– Block Party & Volunteers

Summer Camp Brochure – Hot Off the Design Table!

You heard it here first! Our summer camp brochure is at the printer and will be in the mail to churches and past campers in early March. But no need to wait! Check out this online version.

The Early Bird deadline is April 1 and online registration is now open. Download this form to register by mail or email.

Block Party! Sunday, April 26

What’s a Block Party? A party in our neighborhood on our “street.” Who’s invited? Middle & high school youth groups (and individuals) with their adult chaperones or parents. Join DuBois Center staff and volunteers for an afternoon of fun, games, music and snacks. One of the best parts – IT’S FREE! We’ll roast hot dogs and make s’mores, meet some of the horses, and explore the Rustic Village. Whether you are a DuBois Center camper or not, you’re invited! Load up right after church, grab some lunch, and head to camp. We’ll be on the move from 1-4 pm, but arrive when you can.

RSVP by Monday, April 20 – we need to stock the coolers and send permission forms. For more information check out this flyer, to RSVP contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

Working at Camp IS A REAL JOB!

There is something to be learned from every job, but there are more resume-building skills and practical work experience packed into one summer at camp than with almost any other job! Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Leadership and Planning are just some of the critical skills that come to mind. Working at summer camp IS a real job, but also a great opportunity to share your faith, serve others and make forever friends.

DuBois Center is currently accepting applications for energetic, child-focused and fun-loving individuals to serve on our summer staff. Check out the Summer of Service flyer and this piece from the American Camp Association, then consider whether an amazing summer at DuBois Center might be just the opportunity you have been looking for. Positions include cabin counselors/activity leaders, barn assistants/counselors and coordinators. FAITH. FUN. HARD WORK. GREAT FRIENDS. LONG HOURS. AMAZING MEMORIES.

Applications are now available online at or by contacting DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

Camp Nurses — Servants with Sunscreen

Band-Aids – YES, but so much more! One setting for ministry at DuBois Center is our health center. Volunteer nurses, most of whom are RNs, are a vital piece of our summer camp program. Serving as a camp nurse can be a very rewarding mission experience that is similar, yet very different than most traditional nursing positions. Responsibilities include reviewing camper medical forms, conducting health screenings, receiving and administering medications, providing first aid and basic medical treatment, and documentation. But when you really get down to it, nurses spend most of their time removing ticks, soothing rashes, distributing medications and providing extra TLC for homesick and nervous campers.

If you are an RN, please consider serving with us for a full or partial week. The living quarters do have AC, and there is often time to join us for worship, explore the woods or just sit back and read a book. For more information, contact Shirley at or 618-787-2202.