Dreaming of Spring

As we brave the cold, dark days of winter – even with the beauty of each unique snowflake and crisp starry night – our dreams are filled with visions of a more vibrant and colorful spring.

Bloodwort and Indian Pink are just two of the beautiful wildflowers that thrive at DuBois Center throughout the spring and summer.

Now is a great time to plan a trip to “your big backyard” for a retreat, Service Saturday or a group horseback ride and picnic. Contact us at dcinfo@duboiscenter.org or 618-787-2202.

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Father-Son Retreat – April 13 – 15

Fathers, grandfathers and uncles – save the date and plan now to bring your sons, grandsons and nephews to DuBois Center for a weekend of quality guy time! Fish, hike, canoe and just hang out together. Make cool crafts, share in vespers and work on your archery skills. Horseback riding is available for an additional fee.

This is also a perfect opportunity for churches to extend their family or men’s ministries. Gather a group from your congregation and join us – engaging faith sessions led by Rev. RJ Morgan, our chaplain for the weekend, will be held throughout the event.

Lodging is in heated cottages and Hickory Lodge. Activities are planed from Friday evening through early Sunday afternoon, April 13 – 15. All ages are welcome, though activities are geared for boys ages 5 and older. Registration opens February 15. For more information and a paper registration form, click here.

Buddy to Buddy Mission Experience – June 30 – July 3

This close-to-home mission experience June 30 – July 3 offers teens the opportunity to “live kindness, do justice and walk humbly.”

Youth (completed grades 8-12) buddy up with one or two young people from Hoyleton’s youth residential programs and share in crafts, nature hikes, dock swims, canoeing and more with their new friends. When the Hoyleton campers head home each day, buddies and their chaperones reflect on their experiences, plan for the next day and tackle a work project before relaxing, playing and enjoying their favorite camp activities.

Participation is by church or region group, as opposed to “open enrollment” like summer camp. Chaperones (age 21 and older) provide overall supervision for their youth. Click here to learn more or contact Shirley at DuBois Center at shirley.director@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

High School Week – June 17 – 22

High School Week is BACK for summer camp this year, from June 17 – 22. The week offers two great options – Wranglers and X-Plore. Campers experience all of the favorite DuBois Center activities, plus more! More fun, more adventure, more friends and with an extra special treat – more meals served in the Rustic Village. Plus, “Choice Times” return with even more great options.

If you have completed grades 8-12, this is a great week to build community, grow closer to God, experience nature and have some great unplugged FUN! Plan now to attend and watch for details in the coming weeks.

Wintertime Oddities – Fun Facts from DuBois

Have you ever come across a frozen lake or pond and wondered what would happen if you tossed a stone onto it? If not, you might be surprised by the results. Check out an example from our lake here, or another example from Youtube.

This futuristic, sci-fi, laser-like sound is caused by the whole plate of ice vibrating each time the rock strikes it. Because the ice is not of uniform thickness or texture, vibrations (that cause sound waves) occur in differing frequencies, and the higher the frequency, the faster it travels. The higher pitched waves reaching your ears before the slower, lower frequencies is what causes the sliding laser-like sound.

Final Countdown – Fall Festival

The 2017 Fall Festival is just over a week away! The final details are settling into place and we can’t wait to see you there!

From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 1, come out and enjoy a free event that will feature craft vendors, live music, delicious food, a Kids Korner with crafts and games, camp activities such as horse rides, pontoon boat rides, hay rides and so much more. You’ll support DuBois and have a chance to see the grounds in all their fall glory.

We do still need volunteers for the event as well, so let us know if you’re willing to help, even for an hour or two. You can help kids with crafts, take tickets and more! Contact the office if you’re interested in volunteering.

For more information, check out our event page. There, you’ll find info on our Quilt Drawing, a band schedule, donation and volunteer ideas and more.

Thank You Zoar UCC VBS!

This year, as part of their Campout, Getting S’more of Jesus VBS program, our friends at Zoar UCC collected a wonderful variety of supplies and cash for DuBois Center to use throughout the year. Thanks to them, we now have piles of construction paper and ribbon for crafting, hats and ties for dressing up, beach balls and bandannas for playing, glue sticks and scissors for creating, and even a bag of food for the barn cats.

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Amid the boxes and bags that were delivered, a number of backpacks and water bottles were also included. There are always summer campers, many from low-income families, who arrive without these critical items. This gift will help replenish those supplies for next summer.

Sending a shout out to the Zoar UCC VBS team – “campers,” parents, teachers and helpers: THANK YOU for keeping DuBois Center in your thoughts and prayers, and for this very fun and timely gift!

Job Opportunity: Nature’s Classroom Instructor

Are you a substitute teacher, active retiree or someone with a flexible schedule? Do you enjoy the outdoors and have experience working with youth or as a teacher? Nature’s Classroom Instructors are needed from September 20 through October.

Instructors work with school groups (grades 5-8) that stay overnight at DuBois and provide a fun and supportive environment, while teaching about predator-prey interactions, nightlife in the woods, cultural differences, erosion, teamwork and other engaging topics. Our instructors teach the classes and lead campfires and other evening activities. Parent chaperones supervise recreation, dining tables and cabin times.

Training is provided, as are meals and overnight accommodations during Nature’s Classroom sessions. Click here for a program brochure or position description. Contact DuBois Center office at 618-787-2202 or shirley.director@DuBoisCenter.org.

Mother-Daughter Retreat 2017

Fall is just around the corner! School, sports, band, clubs and church programs are all picking up steam, making family time even more difficult to find.

You are invited to breathe, slow down and spend quality time with the girls and women in your life at DuBois Center’s annual Mother-Daughter Retreat, which will take place on Oct. 13 – 15 this year. Engaging activities, inspiring God time, great fellowship, meals without cooking – all are part of this weekend escape. Participate in everything or choose a more relaxed weekend with board games, knitting and leisurely strolls. Either way, the focus of this retreat is on building relationships and making memories with loved ones.

All generations and groupings are welcome: mothers and daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters, aunts and nieces. Save the date – more information will be available soon!

We need candles!

One of the great attractions at Fall Festival is the Kidz’ Korner, a fun area full of cool crafts for youthful visitors. Candle dipping is a favorite activity, but requires LOTS of wax!

DuBois Center is looking for candles to melt down and recycle into homemade pioneer-style dip candles. Solid-colored candles in shades of blue, red, purple and green are great, but we also use lots of plain white candles and those with colorful exteriors and white cores.

If you’ve got old candles you’re looking to get rid of, contact the DuBois Center office at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.