Thank You to our Volunteer Chaplains!

In June and July, we served over 400 young people in camps sponsored by the Illinois South Conference. It was an amazing summer and we are especially thankful for all the volunteer chaplains that helped make the PEACE WORKS theme come alive for our campers.
It was especially fun to see “Messy Church” techniques at play at camp this summer. Chaplains led BLAST (Bible Learning and Spirit Time), prepared vespers and provided an amazing ministry of presence – walking with our campers and staff throughout each week.
Our team was quite an eclectic bunch. Some are ordained ministers, one an in-care student. Some are school teachers, some are former campers and summer staff members. Some are retired, and some took time off work to serve with us.
Thanks so much to all the 2019 volunteer summer camp chaplains and the churches that supported their efforts. They truly had a significant impact on the faith lives of our campers and staff!:
Nicole Avise-Rouse – Epiphany UCC, St. Louis & St. Paul UCC, Waterloo
Craig Bielke – St. Paul UCC, Belleville
Rev. Katie Jo Bielke – St. John UCC, Collinsville
Joan Daab – St. Paul UCC, Columbia
Rev. Christy Eckert – St. John UCC, Trenton      
Audrey Hicks – St. Paul UCC, Waterloo
Rev. John Holst – Zion UCC, Marion
Rev. Todd Mushaney – Christ UCC, Dupo
Rev. Patrick Poole – St. John UCC, Maeystown & Zion UCC, St. Joe, Waterloo
Alaina Scherle – St. Paul UCC, Waterloo

Camp Lost & Found

Gone are the days when every mother meticulously sewed printed labels into her child’s camp gear and school clothes. Good for moms, not so good for lost and found!

Every summer, a mountain of towels, socks, shorts and water bottles accumulates at DuBois Center. This year was no different. Much of our 2019 collection has already been returned, but even more is waiting to go home. If you or your camper, or someone you know, lost something at camp – let us know. Send an email to with a detailed description and we’ll check the boxes and bags in the office. Give us a week or two to check and get back to you!

Unclaimed items will be held until September 10 and are then donated to charitable organizations.

Camp Counselor – So Much More than ‘Just a Summer Job’

They’re off – some to school, some on family vacations or traveling with friends, some back home to another country. Most barely had time to eat, sleep and do laundry before heading off on their next adventure. In their wake, DuBois Center is now a much quieter place. We will miss all the energy and enthusiasm, but mostly we will miss their hearts and spirit.
It’s always hard to explain the ethos, or “magic,” of camp to those who have not experienced it, but Georgia, better known as Croc, does a nice job of describing it in a recent Facebook post:
“Earlier this year I applied for a job at a summer camp… and while I was nervous about spending my summer away from home and having almost no free time, I’m so glad I made the decision to work here. The amount of love that this small camp has to offer is incredible. The people I worked with are some of the most loving and caring people I’ve ever met. I am so grateful that God guided me in this direction and I will always be thankful for the experience this summer offered me. DuBois Center: you will always hold a special place in my heart.️ Also, I’d like to give an individual shoutout to my OCD, V8 loving, horse crazy, barn chore fanatic friend, Catie Goetter. Working in the barn with you this summer was so much fun and I’m so glad I had you by my side the whole time. Even though we’re polar opposites and definitely tested each other’s patience a few times, I appreciate you and love you lots.”
May God bless them all on their journeys!

What’s in a Name?

Twig, Sparkle, Mr. T, Peanut, Croc, Simba, Minnow, Curly, Kayak, Bandit, Sparrow, Shark Bait – what’s with all the weird names?

Since 2011, “camp names” have been a tradition for summer staff and volunteers at DuBois Center. Some are silly and pulled from…well, who knows where? Others have stories behind them  – to avoid inhaling pollen and dust, Nurse Bandit wears a bandana over her nose and mouth when driving the golf cart or Gator around camp. Amani means PEACE in Swahili, a primary language in Tanzania – the home of one of our international staff members.

We use “camp names” during the summer because they are FUN, and because sometimes there are just too many Merediths, Rachels and Ryans running around. Real names are shared on the last day of each camp, and they are listed on the sign-out sheets when parents pick up their children at the end of a session. If a counselor senses that a parent is nervous about not knowing their “real name,” the leader might take them aside and share that detail in advance.

What’s in a name? A lot of silliness and camp fun!

Make New Friends – Sign Up for Camp!

There are still openings throughout the summer and lots of new friends to be made! But don’t delay, spots are filling quickly, and a number of sessions are already full.

To learn more about summer camp at DuBois Center, check out the camp brochure online or pick one up at your UCC church. To have a brochure sent by mail, contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or

Prayers for our Camp Staff

On Wednesday, May 29, our summer camp program staff officially arrived for nine days of intensive training covering topics such as health and safety, faith formation, activity leadership, behavior management and so much more! They came from local Illinois South Conference churches and from communities of faith around the world.

Please keep the leadership team, program staff and site staff in your thoughts and prayers. They have an awesome task in front of them! We also ask that you keep our international staff and their families close to your heart. These staff members have traveled from Finland, New Zealand, Peru, Poland and Tanzania, and will be far from their homes for three months and even longer for some. Thank you!

We Still Need Volunteers!

Volunteers are the heart of strong and healthy outdoor ministry programs. At DuBois Center, volunteers serve throughout the year on committees and teams, at the barn, in the office, on work projects, as retreat leaders and fund raisers. During the summer, there are a variety of ways to be involved and make a difference in the lives of the young people we serve. Join us for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon, a couple days during the week, or a full session of camp. Volunteers work hand-in-hand with paid summer staff to provide our fun, engaging and faith-filled program.
Summer 2019 opportunities include:
● Cabin Counselor
● Chaplain
● Nurse
● Barn Helper
● Sunday Welcome Team
● Activity Specialist
● Photographer

Contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202 with questions. More information and volunteer applications can be found here. We hope to see you at DuBois this summer!

Sign Up for Camp!

There are still openings throughout the summer and lots of new friends to be made! But don’t delay, spots are filling quickly, and a number of sessions are already full. To learn more about summer camp at DuBois Center, check out the camp brochure online or pick one up at your UCC church. To have a brochure sent by mail, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202. Click here to register online.

Save the Date – Fall Festival 2019

It’s never too early, to start planning for DuBois Center’s annual Fall Festival! Save the date for Sunday, October 6, 2019 and consider how you and your church might be involved.

Sharing this logo is a great way to start. Save it now and use it on your website, in PowerPoints, newsletters and bulletins.

If you or your church is interested in volunteering at the event, please contact the office at or 618-787-2202.

Welcome Work Campers!

A team from Christ UCC in Dupo, with a neighbor from St. Paul in Belleville, rolled into camp yesterday morning and got straight to work. Here for most of the week, they have a full slate of projects including safety enhancements in the cottages, screen and door repairs in the rustic cabins, new brighter lights for the rustic shower house and elsewhere, an extended deck for the chapel in main camp, as well as a number of other smaller, less glamorous projects.

Pictured are Larry Godare (above) and Marvin Doerr (right) building openings to make the Ga-ga pit more accessible.

THANKS to this crew and all volunteers that make a difference throughout the year! Watch for updates on Facebook.