What’s in a Name?

Twig, Sparkle, Mr. T, Peanut, Croc, Simba, Minnow, Curly, Kayak, Bandit, Sparrow, Shark Bait – what’s with all the weird names?

Since 2011, “camp names” have been a tradition for summer staff and volunteers at DuBois Center. Some are silly and pulled from…well, who knows where? Others have stories behind them  – to avoid inhaling pollen and dust, Nurse Bandit wears a bandana over her nose and mouth when driving the golf cart or Gator around camp. Amani means PEACE in Swahili, a primary language in Tanzania – the home of one of our international staff members.

We use “camp names” during the summer because they are FUN, and because sometimes there are just too many Merediths, Rachels and Ryans running around. Real names are shared on the last day of each camp, and they are listed on the sign-out sheets when parents pick up their children at the end of a session. If a counselor senses that a parent is nervous about not knowing their “real name,” the leader might take them aside and share that detail in advance.

What’s in a name? A lot of silliness and camp fun!

There’s Still Space for Campers in July!

July is a great month to experience a summer adventure at DuBois Center! While many sessions in June had waiting lists, there are plenty of openings in July. See below for a full list of camp sessions remaining this summer, and their dates. Help us spread the word and tell your friends and family. Remember – you save if you bring a friend new to DuBois Center!
July Camps 2
Curious about what we do at camp? Check our great pics from the first week of camp at www.facebook.com/DuBoisCenter to learn more about all of the fun we’re having this summer! Click here to register online or contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202 to receive a brochure.
July 9-14:July Camps 3
  • Mad Science (completed grades 4-6)
  • Horsin’ Around (completed grades 5-7)
  • Base Camp Unleashed (completed grades 5-8)
  • Outlander (completed grades 6-9)
  • Outpost Lab (completed grades 6-9)
July 16-18
  • Discovery Camp (completed grades 1-3)
July 16-21
  • Settler (completed grades 3-5)
  • Horsin’ Around (completed grades 5-7)
  • Trekkin’ It (completed grades 5-8)
  • Saddle ‘Em Up (completed grades 7-9)
July 19-21
  • Boy Meets Camp (completed grades 1-3)
July 23-26
  • Girl Power (completed grades 1-3)
  • Pony Express (completed grades 4-5)
  • Rustic 101 (completed grades 4-6)
  • Splash! (completed grades 5-7)