Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles – SAVE THE DATE and plan now to bring your sons, grandsons, nephews or another young man in your life to DuBois Center for a weekend of quality guy time! Our 2020 Father-Son Retreat will take place April 24 – 26.
Fish, hike, canoe or just hang out together. Make cool crafts, share in vespers and work on your archery skills. Horseback riding is available for an additional fee. Lodging is in heated cottages and Hickory Lodge.
The weekend is geared for those age 5 and older, and families participate together. Rev. RJ Morgan will be returning as our chaplain for the weekend.
Registration opens January 15. Watch for details. Questions? Contact us at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org.
This time of year, we are more mindful of giving thanks – for family, friends, our church community and God at work in our lives. At DuBois Center, we are also thankful for stories, especially ones of connection, challenge and transformation.
These stories tell of new-found confidence for first-time campers, deepening parent-child relationships, faith discussions that come alive, individuals transformed into communities, unlikely friendships built on respect and so much more. Scores of dedicated volunteers, staff members and donors together make DuBois Center a place of welcome and hospitality, a place to connect, belong and grow… a place where faith is nurtured and lives are transformed. With your financial support this work continues.
Click here to read our annual letter which highlights aspects of our shared ministry in the outdoors at DuBois Center in 2019. This is your ministry, the work of your congregations, the work of the Illinois South Conference. We hope you will consider a year-end gift. You may donate safely online or, if you prefer, use this form and mail your donation. With so many demands on your resources, we are truly honored by your gifts of financial support as well as offerings of prayer, time and talent. Thank you!
Cookies! Cakes! Pies! Breads! Snack Mixes! The Sweet Shoppe at Fall Festival is still in need of donations. Each dollar raised in this area goes directly to scholarships – helping children and youth from families struggling financially to attend camp. This team is doing a great job, but they need YOUR help! So apron up and bake on!
For more information, check out and share this flyer. Items may be brought directly to DuBois Center on Saturday, Oct 5 or by 10 am on Oct 6. Need more info or assistance with delivery? Text/call Kristen at 618-567-6863 or Melissa at 314-440-6646, or connect with Angie at angiezapp1@gmail.com or
Enjoy connecting with people and the outdoors? Fluent in computer-speak? Looking for a position that is more than just a job? DuBois Center is seeking an Office & Event Coordinator.
This is a permanent, part-time position – the purpose of which is to organize, coordinate and implement office and event functions at DuBois Center. This includes camper family and guest relations, data management (financial, camper, guest group and employee), assistance with marketing efforts and occasional guest group hosting.
The person filling this position will be an integral part of the ISCUCC staff and the DuBois Center team. To apply, please submit a resume and cover letter to DuBois Center via email at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org. Click here for the full position description.
On Wednesday, May 29, our summer camp program staff officially arrived for nine days of intensive training covering topics such as health and safety, faith formation, activity leadership, behavior management and so much more! They came from local Illinois South Conference churches and from communities of faith around the world.
Please keep the leadership team, program staff and site staff in your thoughts and prayers. They have an awesome task in front of them! We also ask that you keep our international staff and their families close to your heart. These staff members have traveled from Finland, New Zealand, Peru, Poland and Tanzania, and will be far from their homes for three months and even longer for some. Thank you!
Contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202 with questions. More information and volunteer applications can be found here. We hope to see you at DuBois this summer!
A team from Christ UCC in Dupo, with a neighbor from St. Paul in Belleville, rolled into camp yesterday morning and got straight to work. Here for most of the week, they have a full slate of projects including safety enhancements in the cottages, screen and door repairs in the rustic cabins, new brighter lights for the rustic shower house and elsewhere, an extended deck for the chapel in main camp, as well as a number of other smaller, less glamorous projects.
Pictured are Larry Godare (above) and Marvin Doerr (right) building openings to make the Ga-ga pit more accessible.
THANKS to this crew and all volunteers that make a difference throughout the year! Watch for updates on Facebook.