This time of year, we are more mindful of giving thanks – for family, friends, our church community and God at work in our lives. At DuBois Center, we are also thankful for stories, especially ones of connection, challenge and transformation.
These stories tell of new-found confidence for first-time campers, deepening parent-child relationships, faith discussions that come alive, individuals transformed into communities, unlikely friendships built on respect and so much more. Scores of dedicated volunteers, staff members and donors together make DuBois Center a place of welcome and hospitality, a place to connect, belong and grow… a place where faith is nurtured and lives are transformed. With your financial support this work continues.
Click here to read our annual letter which highlights aspects of our shared ministry in the outdoors at DuBois Center in 2019. This is your ministry, the work of your congregations, the work of the Illinois South Conference. We hope you will consider a year-end gift. You may donate safely online or, if you prefer, use this form and mail your donation. With so many demands on your resources, we are truly honored by your gifts of financial support as well as offerings of prayer, time and talent. Thank you!
DuBois Center is searching for three (or more) STURDY, gently-used shower seats for use in Hickory Lodge, the Health Center and Rustic Shower House.
If you have one hidden in a corner of the basement or behind all those boxes in the garage, we’d love to help you recycle it.
Specs: light-weight and sturdy, plastic seat with holes for drainage, rust-resistant aluminum frame, non-slip foot caps.
For more information contact us at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. Thank you!
Dubois Center’s 2019 Fall Festival is tomorrow, Sunday, October 6!
This is a great event to share with church members and the community! Yummy food, live music, crafters and artisans, hayrides, horses, boat tours, hands-on crafts for kids – there’s something for the whole family!
Check out this link to the event page on our website and you’ll find all our Fall Festival information, flyers and more in one place.
Fall Festival and the much-anticipated Quilt Drawing are THIS SUNDAY (you don’t need to be present to win).
This year, two beautiful and unique queen-size quilts have been donated. One is a stunning block pattern in steel blue and tan. The second is an elegant log cabin design in colors from the Southwest. With these works of art, we hope to raise over $2,000.
You can help by spreading the word – share this opportunity with your friends and family! A flyer with photos and tickets are available. Completed tickets and payment must be received at DuBois Center by 4:15pm Sunday, Oct 6 to be included in the drawing.
We’ve got hay, but we need 50 more sturdy wooden pallets. It’s all about healthy horses and saving dollars. Storing hay off the ground keeps it out of the mud. Drier bales mean less mold growth. Moldy hay is not healthy for horses. In addition, mold contributes to large amounts of waste. Keeping the hay drier also helps to retain its nutritional content throughout the year. If you have or can find any new or gently used sturdy pallets, contact Scott Kuether at sekuether21@gmail.com. THANKS!