Donate to DuBois Center’s Scholarship Fund

Each year, DuBois Center serves hundreds of campers who are both part of our Illinois South Conference churches and our area neighbors. For some, attending camp would not be possible without the generous gift of a camp scholarship. Each week, campers enjoy countless activities including horseback riding, water mat play while swimming, gaga ball games, campfire cook-outs, and creek walks. They also have a chance to step away into nature, form lifelong friendships, and experience faith formation in a lasting and fun way. Simply put, camp changes lives through radical acceptance, risk-taking in a safe environment, and the chance to step away from busy lives, sports schedules, and all of the things that often distract our attention.

Consider supporting the transformative power of camp this summer by donating to our scholarship fund. This allows us to continue to provide this needed space to our neighbors. You can mail checks to the office or consider an online donation. All funds designated to our scholarship fund will help us provide the camp experience to those who may not be able to experience it this summer otherwise.

Dreaming of Hillside Cottage

Take a look at this picture. Squint your eyes a bit and let yourself dream for a moment. This is the future site of Hillside Cottage, the crown jewel of the DuBois 6.0 campaign. This is where a new 20-person living and meeting space is going to be, just off the road to Coveside Cottage. It will be ADA compliant and solar powered, and just about 1,400 sq. ft. It’s going to be built with as much volunteer labor and recycled/ upcycled materials as we can muster.

Hillside Cottage will add to our overnight guest capacity, and that adds to our bottom line. As with the other projects in DuBois 6.0, this is the time for us to move. Our campaign has been in motion for only 6 ½ months of a 14 ½ month effort. We’re at 74% of our $225,290 goal. Can we do this? Of course, we can. We’ve got a good camp year on the horizon, and an even brighter future. We value our camp, and we’re investing in it. We look forward to reaching this goal, and actually exceeding it. There are projects waiting in the wings that will continue adding to our programming, capabilities, and capacity.

What can you do to support DuBois 6.0?

  • Volunteer to work on a project – the Property Committee would welcome your help.
  • Make a personal or congregational donation – we can take everything from cash to stock and cryptocurrency.
  • And while you’re at it, put our outdoor ministry center in your prayers for both a safe summer filled with fun and a successful capital campaign.

We’re building faith, building capacity and building for the next 60 years.

DuBois 6.0 – On the Move

DuBois Center will get a facelift in 2022. The current donations are at $44,971 because of generous donors. Thanks! We’re on our way!

Here’s what we’re striving to do:

Round 1 – under way:

  • Oak Lodge Air Conditioning $15,740 — Completed!
  • Oak Lodge Replace Windows $17,650 — Windows should be arriving in February
  • Camp Office Replace Windows $4,500 — Windows have arrived and are ready to be installed
  • New Fish Ridge Cabin on the Rustic Side of Camp $10,400 — Foundation has been built.  Waiting on Roof Trusses

Round 2 – Spring 2022:

  • Oak Lodge Basement Sealed and Purchase Dehumidifier $6,000
  • Program Directors House Updates $7,000
  • Deer Run Shower House $10,300
  • Deer Run Lodge Repairs and Updates $4,500
  • New Archery Range and Bouldering Wall $10,000

Later this year:

  • New Hillside Cottage $77,000
  • Lumber Shed Roof $3,000
  • Temporary Infirmary: To be reaccredited by the American Camping Association, we need a multi-bed infirmary temporarily in half of Roadside Cottage $3,000
  • Road Repairs $18,500
  • Deep Water Solar Lake Aerator $6,000
  • Boat House Solar Power $1,200
  • New Hay Barn $30,000
  • Fence Painting $500

How You Can Help:

  • Sponsor a project.
  • Share your mandatory IRA distributions
  • Donate Stock or Bonds
  • Share Tax Refund
  • Dinners – Plan to attend two special Taste of DuBois Dinners in 2022
  • Share Cryptocurrency
  • Sweat Equity
  • Donate Online at and
  • Prayers

DuBois 6.0 Capital Campaign Goal: $225,290

Note: Project order will be determined by availability of materials and funds.

Contact United Church Funds at 212-729-2628 or to learn how to donate IRA distributions and stock to DuBois 6.0. Dates and more information on the Taste of DuBois dinners will be coming in early 2022.

Volunteer Team Sign-up

Submit your name and email to be added to our 2022 Volunteers mailing list. Updates about upcoming work days will be sent to you directly. 

Finding God at DuBois Center

A Testimonial – “Ever since I was a child, DuBois Center has felt like a second home to me. I started coming to Fall Festival when I was maybe one or two years old and, once I learned about camp, I couldn’t wait to become a camper! My dad and I started You & Me Camp the first year I was able to go, and I continued to be a DuBois Center Camper every single summer for many years until an injury in early high school sadly kept me from attending camp. I also attended multiple retreats throughout the school year and basically found every excuse I could to make it out to camp, even if it was just for the day.”

“I came back after high school as a staff member and I loved sharing my love of camp and my love for God with a new generation of campers. Now, I make an effort to volunteer multiple Sundays each summer for registration (come find me – I’m the loud red head!) and am trying to find time in my grown up work schedule to come back as a volunteer counselor.”

“I have never felt closer to God than when I stand on the dock of Lake DuBois in the early morning when all is still quiet, or when I take a seat in one of our outdoor chapels to worship with friends, or when I’m simply exploring the trails, enjoying God’s Creation. DuBois Center helped shape the person I am today, and I could not be more happy that I still get to call it my ‘second home.”

Kara G. – Camper/Staff/Volunteer

You can make a difference to the place that many have found God. In 1962, the land that is now DuBois Center was acquired from the Illinois Central Railroad–as the need for a lake to re-water steam engines was no longer in demand for the rail industry. After a few years of planning and infrastructure design & construction, our first summer programs started in 1965. In 2022, we are paying homage to our 60th anniversary as property stewards and ministers–with DuBois 6.0, a capital campaign to beautify and enhance no less than 17 designated projects. A full list of our ideas and projects can be found on our campaign website. Help us secure the future of DuBois Center and many memories such as the one above by donating what you can. A secure link to donate is on our website. Together, we can all help continue the mission of DuBois Center.

Fall Festival Challenge

If you have already contributed to the Fall Festival Challenge – THANK YOU! If not, there is still time! To date, nearly $1500 has been given! Norma Borgmann, Nancy Wagner and the Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT) are challenging friends of DuBois Center to keep the spirit alive. This would have been the 44th year for some version of this event. It is typically a major friend-raising and fund-raising event for the Center.

We hope you will consider donating $1, $2, $3 or more each year of Fall Festival.
$1 per year = a Yellow Leaf giver at $44
$2 per year = a Red Leaf giver at $88
$3 per year = an Orange Leaf giver at $132
Anything above this amount would be at the Gold Leaf level.

If you are a Fall Fest “regular,” it might be fun to consider what you would have spent at or for Fall Festival 2020 – either as a participant or as a volunteer or a provider of goods to be sold.  You may donate online or send a check to DuBois Center; 2651 Quarry Road; DuBois, IL 62831. Please be sure to note that your gift is in response to the Fall Fest Challenge.

Thank you for keeping the ministry of DuBois Center in your thoughts and prayers.


YEAR-END SUPPORT for Ministry at DuBois Center

This time of year, we are more mindful of giving thanks – for family, friends, our church community and God at work in our lives. At DuBois Center, we are also thankful for stories, especially ones of connection, challenge and transformation. These stories tell of new-found confidence for first-time campers, deepening parent-child relationships, faith discussions that come alive, individuals transformed into communities, unlikely friendships built on respect, and so much more. Scores of dedicated volunteers, staff members and donors together make DuBois Center a place of welcome and hospitality, a place to connect, belong and grow… a place where faith is nurtured and lives are transformed. With your financial support this work continues. Click here to read our annual letter which highlights aspects of our shared ministry in the outdoors at DuBois Center in 2019.

This is your ministry, the work of your congregations, the work of the Illinois South Conference. We hope you will consider a year-end gift. You may donate safely online or, if you prefer, use this form and mail your donation. With so many demands on your resources, we are truly honored by your gifts of financial support as well as offerings of prayer, time and talent. Thank you!


Rafiki: to agree (or promise) to one another to work together in oneness and unity. This concept, shared by a seminary student from Kenya a couple summers ago, is one that we continue to focus on at DuBois Center. We strive to provide a place to laugh, play, pray and break bread together, a place where faith grows. As a significant piece of the ministry and mission of Illinois South Conference, we work to build up God’s kingdom on earth… as it is in heaven. With the financial support of scores of individuals, churches and church groups, this work continues. Hopefully, you received a letter that highlights in words and pictures some joys from 2019. If not, or if it’s lost in a pile somewhere, click here for a digital copy or contact our office to have a letter mailed to you.

If you have not already done so, we hope you will consider a year-end gift in support of our shared ministry at DuBois Center. You may donate safely online, or if you prefer to mail your donation, use this form. With so many demands on your resources, we are truly honored by your prayerful gifts of financial support as well as offerings of prayer, time and talent. Thank you.

Donate Your Boots and Cameras to DuBois!

Our supply of boots for horseback riding is running low. A variety of sizes, from child size 11 through adult size 14, are needed. New or used, in fair to good condition – we’ll take them! Larger adult boots can be expensive to purchase, so used ones are at the top of our wish list.
The search also continues for digital cameras. We know those small, point and shoot versions – the Coolpix, PowerShot and FinePix – are out there, somewhere gathering dust! Recycle them to DuBois Center and we’ll use them for camp scavenger hunts, photography classes, photo booths and so much more. Requirements: good working condition and SD memory card compatible.
For more information contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

Year-End Support for Ministry at DuBois Center

This time of year, we are more mindful of giving thanks – for family, friends, our church community and God at work in our lives. At DuBois Center, we are also thankful for stories, especially ones of connection, challenge and transformation.

These stories tell of new-found confidence for first-time campers, deepening parent-child relationships, faith discussions that come alive, individuals transformed into communities, unlikely friendships built on respect and so much more. Scores of dedicated volunteers, staff members and donors together make DuBois Center a place of welcome and hospitality, a place to connect, belong and grow… a place where faith is nurtured and lives are transformed. With your financial support this work continues.

Click here to read our annual letter which highlights aspects of our shared ministry in the outdoors at DuBois Center in 2019. This is your ministry, the work of your congregations, the work of the Illinois South Conference. We hope you will consider a year-end gift. You may donate safely online or, if you prefer, use this form and mail your donation. With so many demands on your resources, we are truly honored by your gifts of financial support as well as offerings of prayer, time and talent. Thank you!