Odd Request – Shower Seats!

DuBois Center is searching for three (or more) STURDY, gently-used shower seats for use in Hickory Lodge, the Health Center and Rustic Shower House.

If you have one hidden in a corner of the basement or behind all those boxes in the garage, we’d love to help you recycle it.

Specs: light-weight and sturdy, plastic seat with holes for drainage, rust-resistant aluminum frame, non-slip foot caps.

For more information contact us at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. Thank you!

Don’t Delay – Register for Camp Today!

Summer vacation is a great time to get outside, unplug and make new friends face-to-face!

Give your kids or grandkids the gift of joyful, low-tech, faith-filled fun this summer. Summer 2019 adventures at DuBois Center are filling quickly – some already have waiting lists! There are, however, so many great options that are still available – just don’t wait too long!

Pick up a brochure in your church office or click here to view the online version. To have one mailed to you contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org. Ready to register online? Click here.

Lenten Work Days – Recap

It is truly amazing what can be accomplished by enthusiastic and willing workers in short periods of time! A HUGE THANKS to volunteers from Carbondale Church of the Good Shepherd UCC, Grantfork UCC, Trenton St. John UCC, Nashville St. Paul UCC, New Baden Zion UCC, Hookdale St. Peter UCC, and other friends of DuBois Center for joining us for our Lenten Work Days this spring.
Rotted sections of wood were removed from the Nature’s Classroom buildings. In their place, a new deck was built and fascia installed. New gutters are awaiting their rain barrels. Leaves and dead branches throughout camp have been removed, as well as a fallen tree that was blocking a horse trail. Benches and equipment were moved out of storage and set in place. Work continued on the fences around camp and at the lumber shed. Deer Run Lodge was opened and tidied. And last, but definitely not least, support work on the bridge between Oak and Hickory Lodges was completed.
This work makes a significant difference! We are thankful for the new and old friends and their gifts of time and talent!

Horse Camps – Ready to Ride?

Do you love to ride horses? Want to learn more about them and how to care for these beautiful creatures? Consider coming to a Horse Camp at DuBois Center!
Horse Campers spend more time with the ponies, but still have time for other camp favorites like swimming, 9-Square, vespers and crafts. If the weather cooperates, they have the option to ride each day. Some mornings, these horse enthusiasts are up and at ’em long before breakfast to feed, groom and tack the herd. An early morning ride – in the cool of the day – is a great reward for early morning chores! Later in the day, the stalls need to be mucked out. Horse campers take turns, and have fun while learning about the responsibilities of caring for horses.
Younger campers can hop aboard the Pony Express for an introduction to horse camp. Older ones can choose from a variety of sessions.
PONY EXPRESS (completed grades 4-6)
            July 21-24
HORSIN’ AROUND (completed grades 5-7)
            June 9-14, July 14-19
SADDLE ‘EM UP (completed grades 7-9)
            June 7-12, July 14-19
WRANGLERS (completed grades 8-12)
            June 16-21
Ready to register online? Click here. For more information, pick up a camp brochure at your UCC church or check out the brochure online. Contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org to have one mailed to you.
Horse Camp 2

Father-Son Retreat 2019

The rains poured down and the winds blew! You’re together at camp, so whatcha gonna do? Jump in puddles, slide in the mud, play in the rain and just have fun! Watch for more photos and a recap next week here and on Facebook.

Wrangle and Ride March 23 Registration Deadline

There are still a couple openings for the first Wrangle & Ride of the season on March 23, 2019. Join other horse enthusiasts (12 years to adult) for some quality time with our herd of 20 horses. Clover, Thunder and Zephyr are calling your name!
This event is limited to the first 12 who register – which means more time in the saddle for everyone! Just be sure to register by the deadline on Saturday, March 9.
Register online or by mail. For more details check out this flyer or contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org.

Plan a Retreat at DuBois Center

Is your church or fellowship group looking for ways to breathe new energy into your membership? Is your congregation about to enter a time of visioning? Is adding depth a priority for your men’s, women’s or family ministries? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then we hope you will consider a spirit-filled retreat or family camp at DuBois Center! It is amazing what a difference a weekend or even 24 hours away can make. Now is the time to start planning for Spring and next Fall! Groups as small as 8 and as large as 90 can easily be accommodated. A number of churches already “retreat” to DuBois Center. We host family camps, women’s retreats, youth weekends and confirmation events for local congregations. These events can be key components of your year-round faith formation and fellowship programs. If you are interested, but don’t know where to begin – we can help. Check out this brochure, then for more information or to just explore the possibilities, contact Shirley at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Early Bird Pricing for Mother – Daughter Retreat

Get away and re-energize your relationship with your daughter, mother, granddaughter, niece, aunt or other special woman or girl in your life. Enjoy a playful, faith-based weekend together, one packed with engaging activities, inspiring God times and wonderful fellowship. All ages are welcome, but most activities are geared for girls and women age six and older.

There’s still time to sign-up, but the deadline is quickly approaching. Register by Friday, Sept 21 and save. Early Bird Rates: $108 for adults, $93 for 12-17 years olds, and $84 for 4-11 year olds. There is an additional charge for horseback riding. Registration Deadline is Friday, Sept 28.

Check out this flyer and RSVP form or go to register online. For more information contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618.787.2202.

A big thank you to our volunteers!

Three Summer Camp Sundays down – three to go. A special thanks to the 16 volunteers who have already stepped up to greet and welcome campers and parents on the opening days of camp sessions – Bre Beisiegel, Norma Borgmann, Aaron Fuchs, Becky Harrison, Angie Hausman, Audrey Hicks, Leah Juenger, Wendy Juenger, Sandy & Scott Kuether, Arline Magee, Cara Magee Johnston, Todd Mushaney, Jason Petry and Joe & Kara Schmid. Many hail from local Illinois South Conference congregations; others are “friends” of DuBois Center. UCC churches represented include Christ – Dupo, St. Paul – Columbia, St. Paul’s – Freeburg, St. Paul – Lebanon, St. Paul – Waterloo, St. Peter’s – Centralia.

We still need volunteers for the remaining Camp Sundays – July 9, 16 and 23. On these Sundays, scores of campers will arrive at DuBois Center eager and excited to begin their time at camp. A minimum of 12 volunteers each of these Sundays, plus summer staff, are needed to make the check-in process run smoothly! Volunteers assist with greeting, parking, the camp store, registration, health screenings, dock duty and people-moving. They arrive by 1:15 pm and are done by 4 pm. Please consider joining our Sunday Welcome Team on one or more check-in days. You are invited to wear a church t-shirt and show your spirit. Even consider bringing a team from your church! Let us know in advance when you can help; contact the DuBois Center office at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202


There’s Still Time to Sign Up for Horse Camp!

Our Horse Camps are filling quickly, but there are still great options for most age groups. Some mornings, it’s up and at ’em long before chow time – the horses need to be fed and groomed before breakfast. Some evenings, it’s untacking, feeding and barn chores before evening games. As long as the weather allows, horse campers have the option to ride each day! They spend more time with the ponies, but still have time for other camp favorites such as swimming, 9-Square and crafts. Younger campers can hop aboard the Pony Express for an introduction to horse camp. Older campers can choose from a variety of sessions.
Ready to register online? Click here. For more information, check out the camp brochure online or contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202 to have one sent to you.
PONY EXPRESS (completed grades 4-5) July 23-26
HORSIN’ AROUND (completed grades 5-7) June 11-16; July 9-14; July 16-21
SADDLE ‘EM UP (completed grades 7-9) June 25-30 – FULL; July 16-21
WRANGLERS (completed grades 8-12) – June 18-23