Save the Date for Father-Son Retreat 2020!

Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles – SAVE THE DATE and plan now to bring your sons, grandsons, nephews or another young man in your life to DuBois Center for a weekend of quality guy time! Our 2020 Father-Son Retreat will take place April 24 – 26.

Fish, hike, canoe or just hang out together. Make cool crafts, share in vespers and work on your archery skills. Horseback riding is available for an additional fee. Lodging is in heated cottages and Hickory Lodge.

The weekend is geared for those age 5 and older, and families participate together. Rev. RJ Morgan will be returning as our chaplain for the weekend.

Registration opens January 15. Watch for details. Questions? Contact us at 618-787-2202 or

Father-Son Retreat 2019

The rains poured down and the winds blew! You’re together at camp, so whatcha gonna do? Jump in puddles, slide in the mud, play in the rain and just have fun! Watch for more photos and a recap next week here and on Facebook.

Early Bird Deadline for Father-Son Retreat

The annual DuBois Center Father-Son Retreat is just around the corner – March 29-31. Do you or does a man in your life need some quality time away with their son, father, grandfather, nephew or brother? Look no further! For more information, click here. Register online, by mail or email. If you have additional questions, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202. Final registration deadline is March 15.

Our Spring Brochure is Here!

Spring is a great time of year at DuBois Center! Signs of new life are everywhere and there is so much to do.
Our reservation book is filling with youth groups, school camps, retreats for women, confirmation students, church work days and scout groups. There is still time to plan an event for your church or group, or to get involved in one of the many events sponsored by DuBois Center.
Our Spring Brochure has information about our Father-Son Retreat, Wrangle & Ride, Service Saturdays and more. Click here to view a copy and here for a Reservation Form. You may also register for many of our events online. For more information, contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or email.

Fathers and Sons Pack the House!

A total of 46 fathers, sons, grandfathers and mentors – hailing from 12 ISCUCC churches and beyond – made the trek to DuBois Center for our annual Father & Son Retreat on March 31 – April 2 of this year. Together, pairs and trios explored the creek and the bottoms, built a geodome, and dismantled the old docks from the swim area.

Some caught big fish, others lots of fish. Some hunted for dinosaur eggs; others used a bike pump to launch plastic bottles filled with water. The group also boated on the lake, constructed cool crafts, enjoyed a hay ride, made new friends, hiked the trails and explored on horseback rides. They also experienced campfires with singing, s’mores and quiet time for reflections.

And God was among us everywhere! Throughout the weekend, we explored Bible stories of the vine, the branches and bearing good fruit as positive role models, true friends and caring “neighbors.” After a weekend packed with activities, good food, service projects, and multiple rounds of 9-Square and Ga-ga, the group was challenged at our closing worship to “get out of the Ga-ga pit” and go into the world and produce more good fruit.

Interested in coming to camp as a Father-Son (Grandfather-Grandson, Uncle-Nephew, etc.) group? The Father & Son Retreat takes place each spring – stay tuned next winter to find out more! If you can’t wait that long, DuBois Center also offers a “Just You and Me” part-week camp for campers ages 5-7 on June 11 – 13 this summer. Check out the 2017 summer camp brochure or contact the office to learn more. If you’re a Mother-Daughter duo, we’ll have more information out soon about our Mother & Daughter Retreat this fall.

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