Check your mailbox! Spring brochures have been mailed and should arrive any day now. If you’re not on our mailing list but would like more information about our Father-Son Retreat, Wrangle & Ride, Service Saturdays or our Block Party, check out the brochure online. Register online starting February 15; registration by mail is open now.
Spring is a great time of year at DuBois Center! Signs of new life are everywhere. The air is fresh and clear, and there is so much to do. Our reservation book is filling with youth groups, school camps, retreats for women and confirmation students, church work days and scout groups. There is still time to plan an event for your church or group, or to get involved in one of the many events sponsored by DuBois Center.
Our Spring Brochure has information about our Father-Son Retreat, Wrangle & Ride, Service Saturdays, and more. Get your registration form online. For more information, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.