Stretch your muscles, get a little dirty and make a difference! A day of service is a wonderful way to begin preparations for Holy Week and Easter. There will be projects suitable for youth, adults and families. Specific tasks vary depending on the weather and the skills of the workers – carpentry, cleaning, painting, raking and more. A hearty lunch is provided. Check out and share this flyer.
RSVP by Wednesday, April 10 to or 618-787-2202. If this date doesn’t work for you, join us for the Green DuBois Stewardship Day on Saturday, April 27.
Stretch your muscles, get a little dirty and make a difference on Saturday, April 13! Help spruce up the grounds for our busy spring and summer seasons. It’s a great Lenten discipline for you and a wonderful way to get involved and help at DuBois Center. Projects vary depending on the weather and the skills of the workers – carpentry, cleaning, painting, raking and more. A hearty lunch is provided. Check out and share this flyer.
RSVP by Monday, April 8 to 618-787-2202 or email. If this date doesn’t work for you, there will be a Green DuBois Stewardship Day on Saturday, April 27 – or call to set up a different day for your family, church or friend group!
Looking for a meaningful Lenten discipline? How about pitching in with family and friends, and making a difference at DuBois Center? Stretch your muscles, get a little dirty and help spruce up the grounds. Projects vary depending on the weather and the skills of the workers – carpentry, cleaning, painting and raking are on the list. A hearty lunch is provided.
Check out this flyer for more information. RSVP to DuBois Center by Monday, March 18, at 618-787-2202 or If the March date doesn’t work for you, there will be another Service Saturday on April 13 – or call to set up a different day for your church group!