Still some openings for the first two weeks of Summer Camp

Week one – June 6 – 11

  • Camp Quest (completed grades 1 – 3) – this half week camp has room for several more girls
  • There are still some open spots for Settler Camp (completed grades 3 – 5)
  • Trekkin’ It (completed grades 5 – 8) on Rustic has a number of open slot, too

Week two – June 13 – 18

  • Outback (completed grades 6 – 9) – there’s room for a number of boys on this rustic adventure

To review all our Summer Camp options, check out this summer’s schedule.

DuBois Center needs YOU!

It’s no secret that the challenges of this last year have hit the outdoor recreation industry especially hard. This has made staffing across ALL camps difficult for the summer 2021 season, but DuBois Center STILL HAS JOB OPENINGS in a variety of areas, so if you or someone you know would be a good fit, please reach out to us!

Specifically, we are in need of counselors/activity coordinators, without whom we will not be able to open this summer. All counselor/activity coordinator jobs come with lodging and meals while you are on site, a competitive salary, and paid staff training so you can learn the ropes! We can provide First Aid/CPR training to those who need it before camp begins and can help connect interested candidates to a lifeguarding course.

Visit our website or email for more information! Consider joining us to change the world during a summer unlike any other!

Reconnecting, Rebuilding Relationships, and Centering Ourselves

I am, thankfully, lucky enough to have a sister who lives close to the beach in Florida. This last weekend, after more than a year of not being able to see each other due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, my whole family was able to be together to witness my sister’s graduation, celebrate my dad’s birthday and Mother’s Day, and my and my wife’s anniversary. This was made possible, of course, by all of our measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, vaccines, and commitment to ongoing prevention methods. As my family and I sat on the beach, soaking up the sun and each other’s presence, I no longer had to dwell on the absence we have felt in the last year. It was great to be reconnected in person and be able to enjoy one of God’s most magnificent creations together.

It dawned on me that this summer will be a lot like these precious moments – a time of reconnecting, rebuilding relationships, and centering ourselves in God’s love. I hope you can find a way to be a part of what is cooking up for this summer at DuBois Center! We are still hiring a number of positions, especially counselors/activity coordinators, without whom we cannot provide the programing we desperately want to provide this summer! Please consider if there is a way you can join us, and email the office at for more information on volunteering and/or applying!

I hope you and your family experience God’s abundant love this week!

Hayley Elliott, Acting Director of Outdoor Ministry

Green DuBois News

The Green DuBois team is happy to be out of hibernation, and back at camp. At the recent DuBois Center Open House, we welcomed and blessed a new hive of bees. Our two previous hives were hit with American Foulbrood disease, and did not survive the winter. We are in the process of adding 3 new hives to replace them, in two new locations. During the Open House, our new Acting Director of Outdoor Ministries, our Conference Minister and two of our beekeepers all suited up to bless the first of the colonies to arrive. Above, pictured left to right, are Shana Johnson, ISC Conference Minister; Beekeeper John Pawloski; Hayley Elliott, Acting Director of Outdoor Ministries; and Beekeeper Julie Kies. Two more colonies should arrive in the next few weeks.

OrchidLast week, the invasive species removal team was able to get out in the woods for the first time in more than a year, and they did extensive work around and behind the bathhouse on the Rustic side of camp. They removed in the neighborhood of 500 Japanese bush honeysuckle in one morning, and in the process came across some wonderful finds, including a mother dove on the nest, a few skinks, frogs, a native orchid and a whole log colonized with devil’s cup mushrooms. The orchid, a Wister’s Coralroot (or Spring Coralroot,) is of special interest. It’s not particularly rare, but it does indicate a healthy forest. This orchid grows about a foot tall, has no chlorophyll, and its tiny white blooms only stay open a short time. It grows where it finds specific compatible fungi in the soil. Three specimens were found across the slope going down to the lake. Sections of the woods where the team had previously worked had very few new bush honeysuckle, and that’s a sign we’re making progress in removing this plant.

If you’re interested in being part of the Bee Team, helping with invasive species removal, or want to be part of another branch of Green DuBois, send an email to More activities will be announced through the summer.

Strengthen your community with DuBois Center

We were happy to welcome a group from St. Paul – Lebanon Sunday, May 2 who worked tirelessly to clean up our signs! We also welcomed a group of Green DuBois volunteers last week to help eradicate invasive species and plant herbs in planters near one of our cottages.

We are always happy to welcome volunteer groups, or host your communities for retreats! You can contact us at for more information on how to get involved!

Registration is Open

Registration for a summer unlike any other is open! To learn more about our summer 2021 camps, you can visit our website or contact the office. Our residential summer camp COVID-19 mitigations are being finalized and will be available to all parents, but we are also offering family camp and DuBois Delivered this year. We hope that by offering traditional, family, and distanced options this summer, we can all be reminded of what makes DuBois Center special.

Summer Camp Schedule
Summer Camps for Adults & Children
Summer Camps for Grades 1-3
Summer Camps for Grades 3-7
Summer Camps for Grades 5-9
Summer Camps for Grades 8-12

Spend your summer at camp!

We are currently hiring staff for summer 2021! Working at a summer camp is more than just a job, it is an experience unlike any other. If you or someone you know is interested in working at DuBois Center, we are currently hiring many positions including counselors/activity coordinators, kitchen and healthcare staff, and village coordinators. You can find more information at our website. If you know someone who could benefit from this opportunity, please pass it along! We will need all hands on deck as we navigate a summer unlike any other!

Now Hiring!

We still have open positions for summer 2021. Feeling God calling you to serve in a new way? Know a college student who needs excellent experience learning new skills? We’re looking for people like you!

We currently have openings for housekeeping staff, kitchen staff, nurses, and counselors/activity coordinators! Contact 618-787-2202 or for more information or to apply!

Posters, slides and more! Summer Camp Resources for our churches are in the mail and online

Summer Camp is back at DuBois Center, but we need your help to get the word out. We’re making resources available to you through the mail and online. Your church will be receiving promotional materials from us this week. Watch the mail for a package with posters, bulletin inserts, camp schedules, postcards, and fliers that can be posted, copied and shared. You’ll also find a letter from Hayley Elliott, our new Acting Camp Director, Top 10 Things Churches Need to Know about Summer Camp 2021, and suggestions for ways you can help us promote camp this year.

The Resources for Churches page on our website has electronic versions of the promotional materials that you can download and print. It also has slides you can download to include in your pre-service announcements. The slide sets are available in two different size, 16:9 or 4:3. You can download them from this Resource for Churches page by clicking on the appropriate link toward the bottom of the page. Choose whichever works best for your system.

Other Printable Resources:

  • Greetings and COVID-19 considerations
  • Top 10 Things Churches Need to Know about Summer Camp 2021
  • Promote Your Camp – a few helpful suggestions
  • Bulletin Inserts
  • Camp Schedule two ways – full page
  • Camp Schedule – half page
  • Leadership Experiences And Development flier


Open House at DuBois Center

It was great to be with those who were able to be there at our Open House Sunday, April 25! The energy in the air of having a group back on site was fantastic. We blessed our new bees, said hello to the horses, and modeled what our summer cabins will look like with our COVID-19 precautions. If you missed this Open House, be sure to check out our website and social media pages for some of what you missed!

Blessing of the BeesOak Lodge