July Camps with Openings

It’s been a busy summer already and July looks to be even busier. There are still one or two spots open in most July sessions. For the most up-to-date information on all the options available for your child, contact our registrar at 618-357-1809 or DuBois Center at 618-787-2202. More sessions are reaching their capacity each day, so don’t delay. At this moment, the camps listed below have multiple openings. Grades listed are the grade completed.
If you are ready to register – click here. Need more details? Pick up a camp brochure at your UCC church or download one here. To receive a brochure by mail, contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.
July 7-12           Settler (grades 3-5) – spots for girls only
July 7-12           Outback (grades 6-8)
July 7-12           Saddle ‘Em Up (grades 7-9)
July 14-19         Imagine That! (grades 4-7)
July 14-19         Movin’ & Groovin’ (grades 4-7)
July 14-19         Trekkin’ It (grades 5-8)
July 21-24         Girl Power (grades 1-3)
July 21-24         Pony Express (grades 4-6)
July 21-24         Family Camp

Neither Rain, nor rain, nor rain…

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these camp leaders from the swift completion of their appointed duties. Whether greeting parents on a stormy afternoon or creating engaging indoor or undercover options, summer staff at DuBois Center serve with smiles on their faces and a lot of enthusiasm. Sure, sometimes they get a little down… it’s a tough job, but your prayers sustain them and the special stories of the lives they have touched keep them going.
Recent Facebook comment from a Parent: God placed it on my heart to let you guys know, that what you’re doing with all the kids, is simply amazing! Just know that you’re making changes in these kids’ lives daily! Thank you for all you do!”

OUTBACK Camp – July 7-12

Ever wonder what it’s like to build your own shelter, cook dinner over a campfire or stay out late listening for owls and watching for bats? While all DuBois Center campers spend lots of time out in nature, Outback takes it a step further. A night or two camping under the stars – or a bug net, foil stew or pie-iron pizza for dinner, nocturnal exploits and a lazy sleep-in morning are all put of the fun. Campers experience God’s creation firsthand while exploring parts of camp that others may never see. In addition, other classic DuBois activities – canoeing, horseback riding, water mat and archery – are also options for this adventure.

To learn more, download our brochure or contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618.787.2202 to receive one by mail. Ready to register? Click here.

Thanks for the memories…

and all the digital cameras you donated! Over the past 18 months, we have been collecting small, point and shoot cameras – the ones pushed to the back of the closet when phones were upgraded. These gifts are now being used by our camp “family groups.” Each has a camera and is encouraged to take pictures of their adventures. This past week, one group did an especially good job of capturing camp life on their digital. Here are some of our favorites shots. It’s obvious they loved their time with the horses and in the creek.

Donations of digital cameras – in good condition – are still being accepted. For more information contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.


HORSE CAMPS – Ready to Ride?

Believe it or not, there are still a couple openings! Horse Campers spend more time with the ponies, but still have time for other camp favorites like the water mat, 9-Square, vespers and crafts. If the weather cooperates, they have the option to ride each day. Some mornings, these horse enthusiasts are up and at ’em long before breakfast to feed, groom and tack the herd. An early morning ride – in the cool of the day – is a great reward for early morning chores! Later in the day, horse campers take turns mucking out the stalls and actually have fun while learning about the responsibilities of caring for horses.

Ready to register online? Click here. For more information, pick up a camp brochure at your UCC church or check out the brochure online. Contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org to have one mailed to you.

SADDLE ‘EM UP: July 7-12 (completed grades 7-9)
PONY EXPRESS: July 21-24 (completed grades 4-6)

Prayer Request

Summer camp at DuBois Center is in full swing! Throughout June and July scores of enthusiastic campers, hopeful volunteers and dedicated staff members will journey together and embrace God’s creation. They will dig into scripture, build amazing relationships and have loads of fun! Please keep these individuals and God’s ministry through DuBois Center in your thoughts and prayers each day. Thank you!

What’s in a Name?

Twig, Sparkle, Mr. T, Peanut, Croc, Simba, Minnow, Curly, Kayak, Bandit, Sparrow, Shark Bait – what’s with all the weird names?

Since 2011, “camp names” have been a tradition for summer staff and volunteers at DuBois Center. Some are silly and pulled from…well, who knows where? Others have stories behind them  – to avoid inhaling pollen and dust, Nurse Bandit wears a bandana over her nose and mouth when driving the golf cart or Gator around camp. Amani means PEACE in Swahili, a primary language in Tanzania – the home of one of our international staff members.

We use “camp names” during the summer because they are FUN, and because sometimes there are just too many Merediths, Rachels and Ryans running around. Real names are shared on the last day of each camp, and they are listed on the sign-out sheets when parents pick up their children at the end of a session. If a counselor senses that a parent is nervous about not knowing their “real name,” the leader might take them aside and share that detail in advance.

What’s in a name? A lot of silliness and camp fun!

Family Camp – July 21-24

Don’t let the kids have all the fun this summer! For this camp, the whole gang’s invited! The relaxed atmosphere and flexible activity sign-ups allow you to set your own pace – from the waterfront to the barn, from the Craft Grotto to the creek. Take time for an afternoon nap or wake up early for a hike to your favorite fishing spot. Family members participate in most activities together. DuBois Center provides activity leadership, families provide supervision of family members.

Pricing varies depending on the age of the family members, your choice of lodging (Hickory Lodge, Main Camp Cottages or even Rustic Cabins), and the number of people in the living unit. There are different flat rates for each type of living unit. Whether you have 3 or 8 in a Rustic Cabin – the lodging price is the same. Whether you have 3 or 8 on a side of a main camp cottage – the lodging price is the same. Add the per person charge for meals and program fees and you’ve got the total. Check out the Reservation Form for specifics. Reservation and registration is by MAIL and EMAIL ONLY this year. Lodging will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

WELCOME TEAM — Join Us! This Sunday, June 9

It’s time! Our summer camp season kicks off this Sunday and over 70 eager, excited and perhaps nervous campers and their families will make the trek to DuBois Center. In addition to our summer staff, 12-15 volunteers are needed to ensure the process runs smoothly! Volunteers assist with greetings, parking, the camp store, registration, health screenings, dock duty and people-moving. They arrive by 1:15 pm and are done by 4 pm.

Please consider joining our Sunday Welcome Team on Opening Day. You are invited to wear a church or camp t-shirt and show your spirit. Even consider bringing a team from your church! RSVP by Wednesday to 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@duboiscenter.org. If this date doesn’t work for you, consider June 16, July 7 or July 14.