Kick up your heels & smile for the camera!

Cleaning out the garage or a back closet? DuBois Center is in need of boots for horseback riding – child size 11 to adult size 14 and everything in between. New or used, in fair to good condition – we’ll take them! Larger adult boots can be expensive to purchase, so used ones are at the top of our wish list. M

Meanwhile, the search continues for digital cameras. Great photos and smart phones go hand in hand nowadays. So what happened to all those small, point and shoot cameras – the Coolpix, PowerShot and FinePix? They are great for camp scavenger hunts, photography classes, photo booths and so much more. Requirements: good working condition and SD card compatible.

For more information contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

Thanks for the Memories!

Thanks for the memories and all the digital cameras you donated!
Over the past couple of years, we have been collecting small, point and shoot cameras – the ones pushed to the back of the closet when cell phones were upgraded. These gifts are now being used year-round by summer campers and their counselors, retreat participants and others. They take pictures of their adventures or get creative during photo scavenger hunts. Here are some fun shots from the last year.
Donations of digital cameras – in good condition – are still being accepted. For more information, contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.


As our summer camp season draws to a close, some of the very best memories are of new friends made amid the mud, bug bites and late night adventures. These campers likely had no idea that while they were exploring the creek or playing on the water mat, they were growing together through shared experiences in God’s amazing creation and forming an intentional community. They were breaking down barriers and building relationships with people very different from themselves. They were building Christian community.

Peace, love and kittens…. it’s more than just a slogan.