Happy Father’s Day!

A dad is strong….not hard.
He disciplines
He carries his child
He says “no” when “no” needs to be said
A dad is soft….not weak
He smiles
He cries tenderly
He comforts his child when the child’s pain is too great
A dad is smart….not learned
He reads
He works efficiently
His common sense takes him where books cannot
A dad is attentive…not smothering
He sets boundaries
He enforces the boundaries
He allows his child to stretch some of them to build confidence
A dad is present….and that’s a present for generations to come.
© Lynnette Schuepbach

Fall Festival 2019

It’s never too early, to start planning for DuBois Center’s annual Fall Festival! SAVE THE DATE – October 6, 2019 – and consider how you and your church might be involved.

Sharing this logo is a great way to start. Save and use it on your website, in PowerPoints, newsletters and bulletins. Thanks for helping us spread the word!

Thank You, Welcome Team!

We had an amazing Sunday Welcome Team turn-out on June 9! Eighteen volunteers greeted and welcomed campers and parents on the first summer camp check-in day of the season.
A special THANKS to Sandy Dehner, Aaron, Susan and Harmon Fuchs, Audrey Hicks, Leah Juenger, Sandy and Scott Kuether, Cara Magee Johnston, Jason Petry, Carol and David Shanks, Nancy Wagner, and Sandy Westbrook. This crew packed a whole lot of welcome into just three hours after church. They were also joined by volunteers Donna Asbridge, Nicole Avise-Rouse, Rev. Todd Mushaney and Alana Scherle – our nurse and chaplains for the week.
The Team assisted with the camp store, paperwork review, health screenings, pontoon boat and dock duty, and people-moving. Working hand-in-hand with summer staff they did a great job of helping the check-in process run smoothly. Many of these volunteers hail from Illinois South Conference churches – others are “friends” of DuBois Center. UCC churches represented include Cahokia Bethel UCC, Dupo Christ UCC, Freeburg St. Paul’s UCC, Lebanon St. Paul UCC, and Waterloo St. Paul UCC.
THANKS for your service. We couldn’t do it without you!
Want to join our Sunday Welcome Team on an upcoming summer Sunday? Volunteers are needed June 16 and 23, and July 7, 14 and 21! Contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@duboiscenter.org or 618-787-2202 to volunteer.

June Camps with Openings

There are still spots available in some June 2019 camp sessions, but they are filling quickly – so don’t delay, register today. In addition, some camps in July also have openings.
Pick up a camp brochure at your UCC church or download one online. To receive a brochure by mail, contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.
June 23-25       Just You & Me Camp
June 23-28       Settler, Girls Who Camp
June 26-28       Boy Meets Camp

What’s in a Name?

Twig, Sparkle, Mr. T, Peanut, Croc, Simba, Minnow, Curly, Kayak, Bandit, Sparrow, Shark Bait – what’s with all the weird names?

Since 2011, “camp names” have been a tradition for summer staff and volunteers at DuBois Center. Some are silly and pulled from…well, who knows where? Others have stories behind them  – to avoid inhaling pollen and dust, Nurse Bandit wears a bandana over her nose and mouth when driving the golf cart or Gator around camp. Amani means PEACE in Swahili, a primary language in Tanzania – the home of one of our international staff members.

We use “camp names” during the summer because they are FUN, and because sometimes there are just too many Merediths, Rachels and Ryans running around. Real names are shared on the last day of each camp, and they are listed on the sign-out sheets when parents pick up their children at the end of a session. If a counselor senses that a parent is nervous about not knowing their “real name,” the leader might take them aside and share that detail in advance.

What’s in a name? A lot of silliness and camp fun!

Summer Camp Volunteers Needed

Consider a week (or even a few days) at DuBois Center and join our Summer Camp 2019 team! Wanted: fun, engaging and caring volunteers to serve as nurses, cabin counselors, activity specialists and barn helpers. Minimum age is 18 for most positions; young adults and older adults are welcome. Give of your time and talent, make a difference and gain a wonderful sense of satisfaction!

For more information, go to the volunteer page of our web site or contact Shirley at shirley.director@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Welcome Team – Join Us June 9

Our summer season kicks off on Sunday, June 9 and we will be welcoming over 70 eager, excited and perhaps nervous campers and their families. In addition to our summer staff, 12-15 volunteers are needed to ensure the process runs smoothly!

Please consider joining our Sunday Welcome Team on Opening Day. Volunteers assist with greeting, parking, the camp store, registration, health screenings, dock duty and people-moving. They arrive by 1:15 pm and are done by 4 pm. Consider bringing a team from your church! All are invited to wear a church or camp t-shirt and show your spirit.

It is requested that you RSVP as far in advance as possible. Contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@duboiscenter.org. FIRM commitments are greatly appreciated as we keep recruiting until the spots are filled. If this date doesn’t work for you, additional Sunday opportunities are available.

Make New Friends – Sign Up for Camp!

There are still openings throughout the summer and lots of new friends to be made! But don’t delay, spots are filling quickly, and a number of sessions are already full.

To learn more about summer camp at DuBois Center, check out the camp brochure online or pick one up at your UCC church. To have a brochure sent by mail, contact DuBois Center at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org.

Prayers for our Camp Staff

On Wednesday, May 29, our summer camp program staff officially arrived for nine days of intensive training covering topics such as health and safety, faith formation, activity leadership, behavior management and so much more! They came from local Illinois South Conference churches and from communities of faith around the world.

Please keep the leadership team, program staff and site staff in your thoughts and prayers. They have an awesome task in front of them! We also ask that you keep our international staff and their families close to your heart. These staff members have traveled from Finland, New Zealand, Peru, Poland and Tanzania, and will be far from their homes for three months and even longer for some. Thank you!

Meet Our Summer Staff – Ryan and Jack!

Welcome back to Ryan Goetter from Collinsville and Jack Lockhart from Motueka, New Zealand!
Ryan – AKA Shark Bait – is returning for this fifth summer on staff. We celebrate his recent graduation from Missouri State University with his bachelors degree in music education and his new teaching position at DuQuoin Middle School. Another highlight – the designation of Ryan’s chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha as “Chapter of the Year.” An honor in itself, but even more so because Ryan was a founding brother early in his college career. Ryan is an active member of St. John UCC in Collinsville and long-term DuBois Center camper. His favorite childhood memories are from his adventures at camp. When asked why he has such a passion for working at DuBois Center, Ryan wrote, “I grew up at camp! It’s such an amazing and magical place and I want an opportunity to give the kids a great experience like I had!”
Jack – AKA Chip – is returning for his second summer on staff. He had such an incredible time last year, he couldn’t wait to return! Jack is a certified lifeguard, and volunteers with the rural fire department back home. Serving others is in his DNA. Jack is excited to be back at DuBois Center because he loves the “family atmosphere” and wants to gain more experience working with young people and families. His goal after completing university is to work with youth in the criminal justice system to make a difference while there is still an opportunity for significant life changes. Jack enjoys all camp activities – especially those involving water or horses. He was a rookie last summer, but quickly grew his grooming, tacking and riding skills.
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