Fall Festival Challenge

If you have already contributed to the Fall Festival Challenge – THANK YOU! If not, there is still time! To date, nearly $1500 has been given! Norma Borgmann, Nancy Wagner and the Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT) are challenging friends of DuBois Center to keep the spirit alive. This would have been the 44th year for some version of this event. It is typically a major friend-raising and fund-raising event for the Center.

We hope you will consider donating $1, $2, $3 or more each year of Fall Festival.
$1 per year = a Yellow Leaf giver at $44
$2 per year = a Red Leaf giver at $88
$3 per year = an Orange Leaf giver at $132
Anything above this amount would be at the Gold Leaf level.

If you are a Fall Fest “regular,” it might be fun to consider what you would have spent at or for Fall Festival 2020 – either as a participant or as a volunteer or a provider of goods to be sold.  You may donate online or send a check to DuBois Center; 2651 Quarry Road; DuBois, IL 62831. Please be sure to note that your gift is in response to the Fall Fest Challenge.

Thank you for keeping the ministry of DuBois Center in your thoughts and prayers.


Back in the Saddle

This past weekend, DuBois Center and our horse volunteers welcomed the first guest group riders since March! It was a beautiful day to make new horsey friends and to be out and about. As you have seen in regular posts, the horse team has been busy caring for and tending to the horses, barn and trails, but THIS is why they logged all those hours! Four family groups took advantage of the great weather. In addition to riding, they brought picnic lunches, explored the hiking trails and played in the leaves.

Dates are available in November for family and small group rides. Minimum number of participants is 4. For more information contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.


Camp Nurses – Servants with Sunscreen

Despite the falling leaves, it’s never too early to think about summer! We are hoping to be able to provide a full line-up of DuBois fun and adventure in 2021! One setting for ministry at DuBois Center is our Health Center. Volunteer camp nurses, most of whom are RNs, are a vital piece of our summer camp program. Many find serving at DuBois Center to be a rewarding mission opportunity, one that is quite different from their regular job. Responsibilities include reviewing camper medical forms, conducting health screenings, receiving & administering medications, providing first aid & basic medical treatment, and documentation. But when you really get down to it, nurses spend most of their time removing ticks, soothing rashes, distributing medications and providing extra TLC for homesick and nervous campers.

If you are an RN, please consider serving with us for a full or partial week. The living quarters do have AC and there is often time to join us for worship, explore the woods, ride a horse or just sit back and enjoy a book. Orientation is provided.

For more information, contact Alaina Scherle at her email alainakarn@yahoo.com or leave a message on her cell at 618-604-2540.

Goodbye Gala for Shirley Asmussen

The Outdoor Ministry Team of the Illinois South Conference cordially invites you to a virtual Goodbye Gala for Shirley Asmussen on Sunday, October 25th, from 2 pm to 4 pm on Zoom.

In November, Shirley will be closing out her ministry with the Illinois South Conference as our Director of Outdoor Ministry.  But before she goes, we want to send her off with well wishes and words of gratitude.  We hope you will join us in remembering and celebrating the ways Shirley’s ministry among us has impacted so many.

Log into Zoom with the invitation below and bring your memories, stories, pictures, and gratitude to share with Shirley:

Topic: Goodbye Gala for Shirley Asmussen

Time: Oct 25, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 847 6570 0613


Mother-Daughter Virtual Takeover – Saturday, October 24

While our 2020 Mother-Daughter Retreat may not be gathering in-person this year, the leadership team has still been hard at work creating a virtual Mother-Daughter Day you don’t want to miss! Join us Saturday, October 24 on Facebook for crafts, yoga, a campfire and more.

While the activities are geared towards mothers & daughters, grandmothers & granddaughters, aunts & nieces – all are welcome to take part in this free event. Be watching for a complete schedule and list of supplies to gather! Links to videos will also be available on our website as of that Saturday. Plan to check out highlights on our Instagram account.


Waterloo St. Paul UCC for the WIN

On Saturday, a mighty crew from St. Paul UCC in Waterloo arrived at DuBois Center eager to serve. They departed with sore muscles and a well-deserved sense of satisfaction! After dividing into work groups, they got straight to it. One team’s primary task was priming and painting; the other team worked on storm clean-up – both priority projects. With chainsaws, goggles and masks in place, they cut and hauled fallen trees and branches from the heavy winds in early August. They primed and painted 25 posts for the fence on the road across the dam. Now all the needed fencing materials are ready for installation!

After enjoying a picnic lunch together – physically distancing of course – the teams joined forces. They hauled and stacked wood from trees cut previously near Coveside Cottage and set up the 9-Square for an upcoming guest group – both tasks that are better done with many hands.

THANKS to this hard-working crew from St. Paul UCC! Your efforts truly do make a difference! There is always lots to be done to help maintain your outdoor ministry facilities and grounds and you can help! For more information, contact us at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.












With a Little Help from our Friends!

The last two weeks have been busy ones at DuBois Center with eight different teams in motion – in addition to St. Jacob UCC, which we reported on last week. Neighbors John & Terry cut up and removed 5,000 pounds of wood from a dead tree off the Hickory Lodge patio. They did a great job with clean-up! Carol & David Shanks spent a day painting and repairing. Carol touched-up the entrance sign and painted more boards for the fence on the road across the dam. David replaced some rotted floorboards at the lumber shed and built new steps for it – no unstable cement blocks to contend with anymore! Margie & Mel Lindhorst continued working on the shade pollinator garden at the front of the office.

A crew from Grantfork UCC arrived with their mini-excavator and worked on one of the horse trails. They removed two old culvert pipes and cleaned up the area. They also worked on straightening the fence line at Deer Run. Teams from St. Paul UCC in Freeburg are making good progress on the cabins at Deer Run. Last week they installed windows and screen doors. The Horse Team stripped and re-bedded the horse stalls at the barn this past weekend. Watch for more about their efforts next week. In addition, two members were out earlier to check on the horses and help move round bales of hay. The Bee Team was back at camp on Sunday to check on the hives and the health of our bees. And last, but not least, Scott Schubert checked the lines and replaced the old phone on the front of the office. Guests without cell service can again make emergency calls after office hours.

THANKS to everyone for your hard work! It truly does make a difference. There is always lots to be done to maintain our outdoor ministry facilities and grounds. For more information, contact us at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.











Fall Festival Postponed

As announced in early August, the annual DuBois Center Fall Festival has been postponed until the first Sunday in October 2021. This decision was made after careful and deliberate consideration. Our first priority is the health and safety of our campers, guests and staff. As COVID-19 cases rise steadily throughout Washington county, our region and across the nation, it is clear that to proceed with this event would not be the cautious or sensible approach. The amount of nearly constant disinfecting, crowd control and monitoring that would be required for a “safe” event, is not feasible.

THANKS to everyone who has already invested time and energy into this project. We are looking forward to celebrating together again in 2021.

St. Jacob UCC – Stack, Paint & Haul!

On Sunday, a small but mighty crew from St. Jacob UCC headed to DuBois Center for a day of service. They unloaded and stacked 350-400 bales of hay, primed 43 boards and painted a number of posts, and moved and stacked wood. The hay is for the horses – obviously – but this year we had more than ever, and the team filled the hayloft in the barn and the hay shed. The boards and posts are for fencing – 300 feet of old fence was removed for the spillway renovation. The wood came from two precariously placed trees on the lake side of Coveside cottage which were removed earlier. All three projects were on our priority list, and the efforts of this group saved our staff many hours of work and speeded up the fence project significantly. It’s amazing what five people can do!

THANKS to the crew from St. Jacob for your hard work! It truly does make a difference. They also did a great job wearing face coverings and physical distancing when appropriate! There is always lots to be done to help maintain your outdoor ministry facilities and grounds and you can help! For more information, contact us at 618-787-2202 or dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org.
