A Lenten Devotional

We have a Lenten gift for you! A Lenten Devotional has been written to celebrate DuBois Center and Green DuBois, but we feel that this piece speaks to all who find comfort, wisdom and challenge in God’s creation and the word. So, we decided to share it with you.

From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, we hope these words and photos can be part of each day of your Lenten journey. Click here to read or download the entire resource or click here to find week-by-week segments.

Feel free to share this gift, but please provide credit to DuBois Center, Green DuBois and writer Donald C. Wagner. Be sure to read the Forward/Intro piece for more information about the creation of this devotional.

May this resource is a blessing to you during the coming weeks.


Volunteers are the heart of strong and healthy outdoor ministry programs. At DuBois Center, volunteers serve throughout the year on committees and teams, at the barn, in the office, on work projects, as retreat leaders and fund raisers. During the summer, there are a variety of ways to be involved and make a difference in the lives of the young people we serve. Join us for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon, a couple days during the week or a full session of camp. Volunteers work hand in hand with paid summer staff to provide our fun, engaging and faith-filled program.

For more information contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. Volunteer applications are available online.

Summer Opportunities Include:
– Cabin Counselor
– Chaplain
– Nurse
– Barn Helper
– Sunday Welcome Team
– Activity Specialist
– Photographer

WRANGLE & RIDE Saturdays, March 23 & April 13

Spring is a great time to explore DuBois Center from horseback! Join our equestrian team on Saturday, March 23 and/or April 13 from 9 am – 5 pm for a full day of fun with the DuBois Center herd. Designed for both beginner and more experienced riders, these are horse-intensive days of grooming, tacking, riding, instruction and other horse-related activities. Beginners will be introduced to basic skills, while experienced riders work on more advanced options. Minimum age is 12. The cost is $65 per day with lunch included.

Online registration is now openor complete and mail this form. Questions? Contact DuBois Center 618-787-2202 or email.

Why Church Camp?

Because church camp is joyful fun! It is a sacred place. It is intensely relational and positive role models abound! Church camp is an integral part of the year-round faith formation efforts of many congregations. However, it is very different from VBS or Sunday School. Campers and leaders live, work, play and worship together from early morning until late into the evening. They grow together through shared experiences in God’s amazing creation and form an intentional community. They hear our faith stories in new places and new ways, and find opportunities to share their own. The activities are fun, challenging and filled with opportunities to grow as part of a Christian community.

Check out DuBois Center’s line-up of faith-building opportunities for this summer!

Father-Son Retreat Early Bird Deadline – March 8

The annual DuBois Center Father-Son Retreat is just around the corner – March 29-31. Do you or does a man in your life need some quality time away with their son, father, grandfather, nephew, brother or little buddy? Look no further! Spend time on the waterfrontfishing for a whopper, at the archery range shooting bullseyes, or around the campfire telling silly stories and roasting marshmallows. Don’t let this fish – or the early bird discount – get away.

For more information, click here. Register online, by mail or email. If you have additional questions, contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. Final registration deadline is March 15.

Thanks to Region 2

A big THANK YOU to Region 2 and all those who turned out for the annual Bunco Night to support DuBois Center! Scores of gamers gathered at St. Paul UCC in Columbia for an evening of fun, fellowship, good eats and friendly rivalry. Together, they raised over $1200 to support the ministry of DuBois Center and donated 77 healthy food items for Kindercottage.

Entrance fees, a fifty-fifty drawing (which the winner graciously donated back to the cause), a silent auction and donations for snacks accounted for the grand total. All the yummy snacks and very cool auction items were donated by Region 2 churches and individuals.

THANKS to Region 2 for making it happen!

Summer Jobs – Apply Now!

Is this the year for more than just another summer job? DuBois Center is searching for fun-loving and child-focused individuals with a heart for ministry to serve on our summer staff. Amazing memories + resume building skills = a summer to remember!

Check out the Summer of Service flier and consider whether serving outdoors with a dynamic team might be just the opportunity for you. Open positions include barn staff, cabin counselors and coordinators. Lifeguard certification is a plus.

Questions? Contact Shirley at  shirley.director@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202. Application packets are available online.

Operation Shimmer

Have you ever marveled at the sun across the lake at DuBois Center? You’re not the only one. Whether from a canoe, pontoon, bridge or beach, you can’t help but appreciate the shimmer that comes across the lake from sunrise to sunset. In many ways, the lake is the heart of our camp. It supports camp activities, as well as wildlife and plants. Stand still and listen to the water lap, and feel the pulse of the camp.

Just as human hearts sometimes need a little extra care, our lake needs some extra care right now, with some pressing improvements. The spillway pipe has outlived its lifespan. Temporary repairs bought time, but some Muskrat Love (for those of you old enough to remember the song) has hastened the need to make a major repair before summer camp this year. This means cutting the dam, replacing the pipe, rebuilding the dirt, and resurfacing the road. The only week out of the year when this is logically feasible is Holy Week, when there are no groups in camp.

There’s one other improvement needing to happen before summer, and that’s air conditioning in Oak Lodge. Can we get an Amen? The shimmer of the lake in late July would look so much prettier if we all were shimmering a little less in the summer heat. It also will make the camp more attractive and accessible for campers and guests. Some dedicated AC funds are waiting to be used, and they will cover a portion of the cost.

So welcome to Operation Shimmer. These expenses are larger than our typical improvement, and they need to happen over the course of the next four months. Based on estimates for both projects, our goal is $60,000, with $10,000 already received. The first money in goes to repair the spillway so the work can happen in April. Air conditioning will go in second, but still before camp fills in June.  It’s a tall order in a short time, but these projects require immediate attention.

DuBois Center has tackled sudden expenses in the past with support from across the Conference. This time is no different. We need your donations, your Lenten fundraisers, your pop-up yard sales and trivia nights to meet the $60,000 goal by the end of May. These repairs just can’t wait. Help us keep our aquatic heart healthy and keep the shimmer on the lake.

Donations can be sent to the Illinois South Conference labeled Operation Shimmer, and they’ll go to this project. Thank you for your unwavering support of DuBois Center.

Click here for a flier or here for a bulletin insert.

High School Week

One week, two great options: Wranglers and X-Plore! From June 16 – 21, our high school-aged campers can enjoy all of their favorite DuBois Center activities and MORE! More fun, more adventure, more friends, AND an extra special treat – more meals served in the Rustic Village. Plus, “Choice Times” will return with even more fun and unique options.

If you have completed grades 8-12, this is a great week to build community, grow closer to God, experience nature and have some great unplugged FUN! Plan now to attend and watch for details in the coming weeks.

Upcoming Events at DuBois Center

There are so many fantastic events coming up soon at DuBois Center! Check out the list below and click on the links for more details. For information about these and other events, or how you can plan your own, contact us at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.
Thursday, March 14: Green DuBois Meeting – Highland
Saturday, March 23: Wrangle & Ride Horse Day – DuBois Center
Saturday, March 23: Service Saturday – DuBois Center
Friday, March 29 – Sunday, March 31: Father-Son Retreat – DuBois Center
Wednesday, April 10: Nature’s Classroom Spring Season Begins
Saturday, April 13: Wrangle & Ride Horse Day – DuBois Center
Saturday, April 13: Service Saturday – DuBois Center
Saturday, April 27: Green DuBois Stewardship Day – DuBois Center
Sunday, April 28: DuBois Center Thank You Party – DuBois Center
Sunday, May 5: Rustic Block Party for Middle Schoolers – DuBois Center
Monday, May 13 – Thursday, May 16: Christ UCC Dupo Work Days – DuBois Center
Monday, May 20 – Wednesday, May 22: Southern Illinois Art Workshop – DuBois Center
Wednesday, May 29: Summer Camp Staff Training Begins
Sunday, June 9: First Day of Summer Camp 2019!