We Give Thanks to Our Staff!

This week we give thanks for our staff team! Almost all are part-time and most work limited schedules, only as needed. Despite this, they are the lifeblood of DuBois Center. They can be seen in the office and the kitchen, on the tractor and in a lifeguard chair. They care for our campers, guests, critters, facilities and grounds. Some tend to the horses in the bitter cold; others serve in the summer heat. Some clean dirty buildings; others bake up delicious meals. They are often found trekking through the woods with eager students, leading team-building activities, laying campfires for guest groups and plunging toilets. They work collaboratively with scores of volunteers to provide a ministry of hospitality and nurture, and to maintain and improve our facilities. Thanks to the staff team that keeps DuBois Center on a steady course day in and day out, throughout the year.

Thanks for the Memories!

Thanks for the memories and all the digital cameras you donated!
Over the past couple of years, we have been collecting small, point and shoot cameras – the ones pushed to the back of the closet when cell phones were upgraded. These gifts are now being used year-round by summer campers and their counselors, retreat participants and others. They take pictures of their adventures or get creative during photo scavenger hunts. Here are some fun shots from the last year.
Donations of digital cameras – in good condition – are still being accepted. For more information, contact DuBois Center at dcinfo@DuBoisCenter.org or 618-787-2202.

Confirmand Power!

It’s amazing what a group of Illinois South Conference confirmands and chaperones can accomplish in just 90 minutes!

The crew attending the ISC Confirmation Retreat took the service aspect of their weekend to heart. Happy horses are now munching on green hay because one team unloaded and stacked 640 bales. The wood shed was also emptied, reorganized and is now ready for winter. And posts and rails were painted for upcoming fencing projects.

Positive attitudes, willing hearts and many hands definitely make the load lighter for all. THANKS for all your hard work!

Thank You

It rained, but it didn’t pour! The skies were overcast, but the sun did peek out every once in a while. Through it all the tractors kept rolling, the musicians kept singing and smiling faces and umbrellas were everywhere. The rain may have dampened the turnout, but not the spirit. Thanks to the Volunteers, Staff, Vendors and Guests who made Fall Festival 2019 a success!
Watch upcoming editions of Weekly Connection to hear some of the fun stories from this event.

Thank You to our Volunteer Chaplains!

In June and July, we served over 400 young people in camps sponsored by the Illinois South Conference. It was an amazing summer and we are especially thankful for all the volunteer chaplains that helped make the PEACE WORKS theme come alive for our campers.
It was especially fun to see “Messy Church” techniques at play at camp this summer. Chaplains led BLAST (Bible Learning and Spirit Time), prepared vespers and provided an amazing ministry of presence – walking with our campers and staff throughout each week.
Our team was quite an eclectic bunch. Some are ordained ministers, one an in-care student. Some are school teachers, some are former campers and summer staff members. Some are retired, and some took time off work to serve with us.
Thanks so much to all the 2019 volunteer summer camp chaplains and the churches that supported their efforts. They truly had a significant impact on the faith lives of our campers and staff!:
Nicole Avise-Rouse – Epiphany UCC, St. Louis & St. Paul UCC, Waterloo
Craig Bielke – St. Paul UCC, Belleville
Rev. Katie Jo Bielke – St. John UCC, Collinsville
Joan Daab – St. Paul UCC, Columbia
Rev. Christy Eckert – St. John UCC, Trenton      
Audrey Hicks – St. Paul UCC, Waterloo
Rev. John Holst – Zion UCC, Marion
Rev. Todd Mushaney – Christ UCC, Dupo
Rev. Patrick Poole – St. John UCC, Maeystown & Zion UCC, St. Joe, Waterloo
Alaina Scherle – St. Paul UCC, Waterloo

Spring Thank You Party a Success

Despite weeks of rain and a questionable forecast, the skies cleared for DuBois Center’s annual “Thank You” Party. On Sunday, April 28, pproximately 65 volunteers, donors and staff – all who are essential to the success of DuBois Center – enjoyed a taste of DuBois.

As usual, there was a wonderful catered meal. But, this year, camp tours and activities were added to agenda. One of the goals of the event was to get folks out and about to see camp. During tram and pontoon boat rides, volunteers pointed out the new bee hives and docks, as well as the broken spillway. Guest visited the horses at the barn, checked out some spring wildflowers and “toured” camp from the porch of Oak Lodge using mega-binoculars. Photos and s’mores were part of the fun – of course. Believe it or not, for some it was their very first s’more!

Pictured here are centerpiece winners Micah Palmer, son of Pastor Brett and Carolyn Palmer, and Connie Freels. They won for being the youngest and oldest (90+) in attendance!

THANKS to the Outdoor Ministries Team, Green DuBois and the Marketing Committee for making this event possible!

RSVP for the Thank You Party by Friday!

The annual DuBois Center ‘Thank You’ Party is scheduled for Sunday, April 28. Previously held during the Christmas holidays, this event is our opportunity to share our appreciation for your prayers and support, your gifts of time, talent and treasure, and your partnership in our shared mission and ministry at DuBois Center.

Together, we have touched countless lives over the past five decades through ministry in God’s great outdoors. Volunteers, staff, supporters and friends make it all happen. If you fit into any of these categories – then YOU are invited. Churches are encouraged to send representatives.

Enjoy a yummy meal, tour the grounds by tram or pontoon boat, take a nature hike, or just sit on a dock or porch and enjoy the day. DuBois Center is beautiful in the spring, so don’t miss this opportunity! Remember to dress casually and for the weather. Activities will begin at 2 pm, with dinner at 4:30 pm. We’ll conclude by 6 pm.

Click here for your invitation. Please RSVP to DuBois Center at dcinfo@duboiscenter.org or 618-787-2202 by Friday, April 19.

Thank You Party — Sunday, April 28 – Save the Date

The annual DuBois Center THANK YOU Party, previously held during the Christmas holidays, is our opportunity to share our appreciation for your prayers and support; your gifts of time, talent and treasure; and your partnership in our shared mission and ministry at DuBois Center. Together we have touched countless lives over the past five decades with gifts of God’s abundant love. Volunteers, staff, supporters and friends make it all happen. If you fit into any of these categories – then YOU are invited. Churches are encouraged to send representatives.

Enjoy a yummy meal, take a nature hike, tour the grounds by tram or pontoon boat and see what’s happening around camp. DuBois Center is beautiful in the spring, so don’t miss this opportunity! Activities will begin at  2 pm, with dinner at 4:30 pm. We’ll conclude by 6 pm. Please RSVP to DuBois Center at dcinfo@duboiscenter.org or 618-787-2202 by Friday, April 19.

Thank You Party – April 28

The annual DuBois Center Thank You Party, previously held during the Christmas holidays, is our opportunity to share our appreciation for your prayers and support, your gifts of time, talent and treasure, and your partnership in our shared mission and ministry at DuBois Center. This year, we are starting a new tradition – the event will take place on Sunday, April 28 and will now include outdoor activities on the beautiful grounds of DuBois Center.

Together, we have touched countless lives over the past five decades with gifts of God’s abundant love – we couldn’t do it without our volunteers, staff, supporters and friends who make it all happen. If you fit into any of these categories – then YOU are invited. Churches are encouraged to send representatives.

Enjoy a yummy meal, take a nature hike, tour the grounds by tram or pontoon boat and see what’s happening around camp. DuBois Center is beautiful in the spring, so don’t miss this opportunity! Activities will begin at 2 pm, with dinner at 4:30pm. We’ll conclude by 6pm. Please RSVP to DuBois Center at dcinfo@duboiscenter.org or 618-787-2202 by Friday, April 19.

Thanks to Region 2

A big THANK YOU to Region 2 and all those who turned out for the annual Bunco Night to support DuBois Center! Scores of gamers gathered at St. Paul UCC in Columbia for an evening of fun, fellowship, good eats and friendly rivalry. Together, they raised over $1200 to support the ministry of DuBois Center and donated 77 healthy food items for Kindercottage.

Entrance fees, a fifty-fifty drawing (which the winner graciously donated back to the cause), a silent auction and donations for snacks accounted for the grand total. All the yummy snacks and very cool auction items were donated by Region 2 churches and individuals.

THANKS to Region 2 for making it happen!