Sunday Welcome Team – THANK YOU!

Each Sunday of our summer camp season, DuBois Center buzzes with scores of excited campers and their families. Extending gracious hospitality and ensuring a smooth check-in process with as few delays is a tall order – one made possible ONLY with the help of 12-15 volunteers each week. Our Sunday Welcome Team braves the humid summer temps with smiles on their faces as they direct parking, greet families, check heads for critters, screen health forms, catch and drive pontoon boats, operate the camp store, and direct the flow of traffic through the check-in process. This summer we set a NEW RECORD with 49 different volunteers! Many served on multiple Sundays; all made a HUGE difference! Eleven of these volunteers were part of “head check” teams from St. Paul UCC in Waterloo – THANK YOU so much!

On behalf of the Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT), DuBois Center staff, parents and campers, we would like to extend a hearty and heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who assisted this summer: Kim Altmansberger, Donna Asbridge, Kathy Asselmeier, Casey & Nicole Avise-Rouse, Craig & Katie Jo Bielke, Debbie Clinebell, Joan Daab, Sue Davis, Yvonne Dehner, Christy Eckert, Aaron, Harmon & Susan Fuchs, Julie & Roger Harris, Audrey Hicks, Wendy Hill, John, Sara & Torrie Holst, JT Iorio, Anne & David Jackson, Leah & Wendy Juenger, Don Kaiser, Sandy & Scott Kuether, Cara Magee-Johnston, Judy Matzenbacher, Vaughn Mavers, Sam Morgan, Sharon Murphy, Todd Mushaney, Jason Petry, Sharon Schaefer, Alaina Scherle, Joe & Kara Schmid, Carol & David Shanks, Bill & Kay Theobald, Nancy Wagner, Darline Weihl, Sandy Westbrook and Angie Zapp. Please forgive us if we missed anyone; everyone’s efforts are greatly appreciated!

Camp Lost & Found

Gone are the days when every mother meticulously sewed printed labels into her child’s camp gear and school clothes. Good for moms, not so good for lost and found!

Every summer, a mountain of towels, socks, shorts and water bottles accumulates at DuBois Center. This year was no different. Much of our 2019 collection has already been returned, but even more is waiting to go home. If you or your camper, or someone you know, lost something at camp – let us know. Send an email to with a detailed description and we’ll check the boxes and bags in the office. Give us a week or two to check and get back to you!

Unclaimed items will be held until September 10 and are then donated to charitable organizations.

Camp Counselor – So Much More than ‘Just a Summer Job’

They’re off – some to school, some on family vacations or traveling with friends, some back home to another country. Most barely had time to eat, sleep and do laundry before heading off on their next adventure. In their wake, DuBois Center is now a much quieter place. We will miss all the energy and enthusiasm, but mostly we will miss their hearts and spirit.
It’s always hard to explain the ethos, or “magic,” of camp to those who have not experienced it, but Georgia, better known as Croc, does a nice job of describing it in a recent Facebook post:
“Earlier this year I applied for a job at a summer camp… and while I was nervous about spending my summer away from home and having almost no free time, I’m so glad I made the decision to work here. The amount of love that this small camp has to offer is incredible. The people I worked with are some of the most loving and caring people I’ve ever met. I am so grateful that God guided me in this direction and I will always be thankful for the experience this summer offered me. DuBois Center: you will always hold a special place in my heart.️ Also, I’d like to give an individual shoutout to my OCD, V8 loving, horse crazy, barn chore fanatic friend, Catie Goetter. Working in the barn with you this summer was so much fun and I’m so glad I had you by my side the whole time. Even though we’re polar opposites and definitely tested each other’s patience a few times, I appreciate you and love you lots.”
May God bless them all on their journeys!


As our summer camp season draws to a close, some of the very best memories are of new friends made amid the mud, bug bites and late night adventures. These campers likely had no idea that while they were exploring the creek or playing on the water mat, they were growing together through shared experiences in God’s amazing creation and forming an intentional community. They were breaking down barriers and building relationships with people very different from themselves. They were building Christian community.

Peace, love and kittens…. it’s more than just a slogan.

Transforming Deer Run

Yes, lots of deer do run at DuBois Center! In fact, this summer we have been blessed with frequent sightings of kids with their mothers… often running. But did you know that one of the most beautiful areas of camp is named Deer Run?
First established in 1975 as an area for tent and RV camping, Deer Run never quite reached its full potential. Currently, summer campers use it for evening games and camp outs. During Nature’s Classroom, a variety of activities are based there. Our horses appreciate the pasture and more advanced riders enjoy “Canter Alley.” The occasional scout troop camps there, but the area has so much more potential!
In terms of structures, there are three small cabins, a lodge that is frequented by more wildlife than human life, and a very rustic shower house. The centerpiece is a small three-acre lake that boasts giant lily pads in the summer.
Earlier this year, a team from Green DuBois was inspired by the possibility of transforming Deer Run into the intentional nature study and earth care hub of DuBois Center. Energy for this vision is catching! In early spring, two hives of bees were introduced and blessed by our conference minister. In May, a work crew from Christ UCC in Dupo and St. Paul UCC in Belleville removed the old, decrepit dock from the lake. Hoyleton Buddies from Region 2 re-established the boat landing – wading in hip deep to pull lily pads. Summer staff members recycled cardboard from the kitchen and moldy hay bales – making a “layer cake” out of them in the new composting area. And now, St. Paul’s UCC in Freeburg is breathing new life into the three cabins (article posted tomorrow).
The transformation won’t happen overnight, but it has begun!

Memory of the week

Big Foot sighting at DuBois Center! These Outback campers and leaders had a great time at the beach one evening. They danced, they sang, they played in the sand. Gotta love it when being goofy is the new cool!

This sneak peek into camp life is brought to you through the lens of a “family group” camera. Over the past 18 months, we have been collecting point and shoot models. These donations have been a big hit all summer and are gifts that keep on giving as they capture amazing moments each week.

Donations of small digital cameras – in good condition – are still being accepted. For more information contact DuBois Center at or 618-787-2202.

WEATHER at DuBois Center

This was a week of weather extremes for campers and leaders at DuBois Center – rain, lightning and heat. So how do we adapt when the weather throws us a curve-ball or two? First, we switch to the weird & wacky weather schedule. We are up at 6:30 for activities before the heat and storms. Then it’s time for breakfast and more activities. BLAST (Bible Learning and Spirit Time) and a relaxing “siesta” are reserved for the heat of the day. Next, round up extra fans and water jugs, and make sure plenty of frozen treats and beverages with extra electrolytes are on hand.

So that takes care of the heat. What about the rain? Many camp activities are just as much fun under soggy skies! This group thoroughly enjoyed their rain-soaked game of Kwik Cricket!

So please keep us in your prayers as the temperatures rise, but know that plans are in place to keep campers hydrated, healthy and happy.


This is a big week at DuBois Center – lots of campers, lots of NEW campers, lots of volunteers and an amazing turnout for the Sunday Welcome Team. A total of 19 volunteers – in addition to those staying for the week – hit the field to welcome campers and their families. That’s a new record!

The parking lot was packed, but with additional volunteers giving directions – it wasn’t as issue. There were lots of heads to be checked and medications to be reviewed, but again – not an issue. Non-stop pontoon boat shuttles to the landing in the Rustic Village – easy!

This short-term service opportunity makes a HUGE difference, especially for first-time campers and their parents. Watch for a list of our 2019 Welcome Team volunteers in upcoming Weekly Connections.

Beating the Heat at DuBois

When heat indexes reach into triple digits, you’ve got to adapt. Meteorologists suggest staying indoors and avoiding the sun, but we’re at camp! So what do you do? First round up extra fans and water jugs, then make sure plenty of frozen treats are on hand. Next, rework the schedule to avoid strenuous activities during the intense mid-day heat. Reserve the hottest times of the day for quieter activities in the shade or under big fans. Wet and wacky water games are a favorite as well. Add an hour-long “siesta” in the afternoon, and then campers are ready for evenings packed with fun.

WELCOME TEAM — Join Us – July 14 or 21

It is amazing what a difference 4-5 volunteers can make! When the Sunday Welcome Team is short by this number, we struggle; and check-in seems to take forever. When the slate is full, the process runs so much more smoothly! We had great turnouts in June. Now we are gearing up for July. In addition to our summer staff, 12-15 volunteers are needed each Sunday to assist with greetings, parking, the camp store, registration, health screenings, dock duty and people-moving.

Volunteers should arrive by 1:15 pm and will be done by 4 pm. Volunteers Needed: July 14 and July 21. The roster for July 7 is already full, but there are lots of opening for July 14. If you are interested and available, please RSVP by the Wednesday prior to the Sunday needed to or 618-787-2202.